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25 Dec 2009[edit]

Merry christmas one and all! I hope Santa brought you everything you wanted!

Once again, little GvG has been happening in MH mainly down to people having social lives over the festove period, and the rest of us who make it online farming our collective behinds off for Wintersday goodies. For myself, I've been spending time on my warrior doing some NM dungeon crawling, and farming for a mini polar bear whilst drunk on my monk. I have to admit that my main drive behind this isn't so much a mini polar bear as opposed to the lucrative candy cane shard drops. I'm really hoping to max out my last two titles on my mesmer to finally get her GWAMM title, or at least get her very close to maxing them out.

Anyway, that's all in the way of MH use for now! Once again, I wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a happy new year!

20 Dec 2009[edit]

Hooray for the Christmas event!

Not much in the way of PvP has been happening recently, although there will no doubt be lots of snowball arena going on. I finally finished all the NM dungeons on my Assassin, which leaves me free to work on my Warrior. That said, the new costumes lured me to the online shop, which resulted in me buying two more character slots so I can make a Dervish and a Paragon. I haven't created them yet, since I haven't decided on a name for them yet.

I think this Christmas, I'll spend most of my online time trying to get a miniature polar bear and trying to finish the sweet tooth and party animal titles on my mesmer.

Happy partying all!

13 Dec 2009[edit]

Look at my horse
My horse is amazing
Give it a lick
Mmm - it tastes just like raisins

Have a stroke of its mane
It turns into a plane
And then it turns back again
When you tug on its winkie

Eww that's dirty
Do you think so?
Well I better not show you where
The lemonade is made

Sweet lemonade
Mmm - sweet lemonade
Sweet lemonade
Yeah sweet lemonade

Get on my horse
I'll take you round the universe
And all the other places too
I think you'll find that the universe pretty much covers everything
Shut up woman get on my horse

That's all that needs to be said about tonights GvG. And woo, over 900 rating again!

08 Dec 2009[edit]

Little has been happening in the way of GvG recently. Too many of our core are unable to get online at decent times due to exams. I wish them good luck, and they'd better get good grades to make missing GvG worth it! Ha ha!

As for the rest of us, we've for the most part been on a PvE spree. I finally maxed the protector titles on my warrior, which means I now feel compelled to get the Guardian title on her. I also need to finish all the dungeons in NM on my assassin before she has too many of the EotN reputation titles over level 8, or risk wasting a NM Dungeon Guide - which would be a shame.

So, until our PvP activities pick up again, I'll mostly be found running around various missions on my warrior, who is newly clad as a pink power ranger in a tin (I don't get why people hate that armour, it is sweeeeet), or dungeon crawling on my assassin.

Let the PvEfest commence!

01 Dec 2009[edit]

I woke up this morning to the first frost on my car, which has made me feel somewhat christmassy. So, I'll be digging out the various christmas festival hats and weapons on my characters just to reflect that mood.

Not much in the way of GvG has happened recently, largely in part to not enough people being online for various reasons. My favourite of which is one of our midline getting grounded for getting hammered and throwing up on his dates front door. I'm very sure her parents are happy with the new decoration! Ah, the fun times of underage drinking. How I miss it.

So, with the lack of GvG happening, a few of us decided to run through some of the old Prophecies missions in normal mode. Some of us for the fun of it, and some of us just to chase titles on different characters. We're as far as Dragon's Lair at the moment. I'm looking forward to running riot in the southern shiverpeaks.

One thing that is nice about redoing old content after such a long break from it, and especially on a neglected character, is that everything seems to regain the shine and feel almost fresh again (if not new, sadly). I can't believe I still enjoy it so much still, even after so long playing this game. GW truely is awesome.

28 Nov 2009[edit]

The rating is still on a steady decline, sadly. Partly because of this, and because I'm somewhat under the weather, I've recently been playing PvE on my neglected warrior instead. Today, I finally finished all of Nightfall in normal mode on her, and levelled all her heroes. Which was something that was long overdue.

After watching the ending scene of Nightfall, it struck me how silly some RPG's can get. Why is it that you only get a shiny new weapon *after* you've killed the big bad boss guy? Surely it would have made more sense for the good guys to give you all the awesome weapons they can get their hands on *before* you go out and risk your life to save their asses.

Meh. Silly Elonians.

24 Nov 2009[edit]

The last few days saw us tank our rating even further. As a result, some time was instead spent playing in HA and running around PvE dungeons. A few aborted attempts at UW have been done - but our last attempt, which would have been successful was killed by epic lag spikes that resulted in one of the key party members disconnecting. Which was a shame. It may be a while for us to all get together for it without deciding to PvP instead.

Hopefully, the next few days will see us get used to our new GvG build and see our rating being to climb once more.

19 Nov 2009[edit]

We tanked our rating somewhat again, and are back around the 960 range. Ooops. As a result of this, we decided to stop running the split build, as it was obviously not working against people at the level we are now playing at, and change our guild hall. Which was all a great idea - but then we all have to get used to the new build and the new hall. After a few matches, it was easy to see that we were getting used to the new build - though not so much the new hall. After changing hall, it took 3 matches for us to get the oppurtunity to actually play a match on it.

Anyways, I digress. We started getting used to the new build enough that we were rolling an opposing team on Jade Isle (not our new hall) right up until our guest monk accidentally pressed alt+F4. It went sadly downhill from there. I'm debating making him pay us all in zkeys as compensation for the loss that should have been a win. (Ha ha!) That said, we was very contrite about the whole thing, and decided to stay up past his bedtime to play two more matches with us after that to make it up to us. So I guess we can let him off this once. If he does it again though, we may have to kill him.

17 Nov 2009[edit]

The last couple of days saw us nearly get on to the ladder with a rating of 986. However, we managed to tank this somewhat last night by being outplayed and just not playing at our best. I'm wondering if we were all playing GW with a hangover or something. After last nights shenannigans, we're now sitting around the 970 mark. Still not impressive as far as rating goes, but not bad considering how badly we tanked our rating when we first started to play GvG.

Following last nights disappointments though, we did finally get around to finding a somewhat livelier alliance that is being headed up by some of our regular guests - which cheered us all up lots, since we <3 our guests and like to feed them cookies. Hopefully, this alliance will be fun and active - which is exactly what we're looking for as a guild.

15 Nov 2009[edit]

Yesterday was another long awaited impressive day for MH in GvG. We've finally managed to push our rating up over the 950 mark, which I feel is a great testament to how we're improving as a team. This is made even more impressive when the fact that one of our players was pretty hammered is taken into consideration. We did let him be our prot monk for a bit, and in a way I guess it was lucky that we went up against bloodspike, which made him pretty useless anyway. He spent the entire match keeping Spirit Bond on our ranger, and telling said ranger off for not infusing more.

Granted, we lost that match - but it was pretty hilarious just listening to vent. We went through a lot of 'I have a sweet spear and shit' and me being told I was a big black beast. I think that may have to be my next PvP character name. Listening to our drunken prot monk crying 'ohmygodohmygodohmygodohmygodohmygodohmygodohmygodohmygodohmygodDON'TDIE!!!!!!' was probably more of a hindrance than help (due to everyone laughing too much to be able to play properly) - but it certainly made last nights GvG spree one to remember.

After that match, we decided to have our favourite drunk running a Mindblast elementalist on split with me. This actually went pretty well, and we scored a few more wins. The last match was a disappointment, however, when our replacement prot monk tried to maximise his GW window midplay, and accidentally closed it instead. We were forced to resign spike. If not for that, we could have broken the 960 mark as far as our rating goes.

All in all, it was a pretty fun day.

13 Nov 2009[edit]

The last couple of days in MH have been relatively quiet - not much out of the usual has gone on. Our rating is holding steady around the 920ish mark, and it's frustrating to not seem to be able to break past that. Then again, going up against rank 150 guilds pretty much states that the outcome is going to be a disappointing one.

There have been few PvE adventures over the last few days (since I don't think blowing up snowmen counts as an adventure) - and I think everyong is now bored of waiting for the next step in The Waiting Game. No one is even talking about it anymore. I guess the anticipation was nice while it lasted.

10 Nov 2009[edit]

Yesterday didn't see any GvG happening at all, sadly - gosh darn people having real lives and all that! So, I spent a stupid amount of time farming Guardian Moss for Nicolas the Traveller. it took me 3 hours of solo farming to get the 5 I needed. 3 hours! I would have brought them, even at the extortionate (or come to think of the effort involved, not so extortionate) price they were selling for - if I hadn't the day before spent all my platinum reserves on buying 11 Destroyer weapons in one go to complete my HoM.

Anyway, once I had my gifts, me and my guild started chatting about a theme tune for when we GvG. I voted for this, but I was sadly shouted down. This makes me a sad panda, as the Action Hero song is totally epic. A shame its a TV advert song and not actually a proper released song - as any lyrics containing the line "girls can't resist their indestructible hair" is a winner in my book.

The end of the night saw me and Macca blowing up snowmen, and then discussing how we could do it faster. Sadly, we won't be able to test out the buildcrafting until tomorrow evening, as I'm off out to the pub quiz tonight. Oddly enough, I *do* have a social life beyond Guild Wars. How naughty of me.