User:MionShion/Elite Balance/Warrior

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Disclaimer: Balance is a derogatory term for me. Most of these are actually functionality changes. Remember, you may feel free to criticize or assist in any way. However, please try to refrain from just bluntly stating that they will not work in practice. You don't know that without any proof.

Axe Mastery[edit]

9 Adrenaline1 Activation time3 Recharge time - Elite Axe Attack. You lose all Energy. This attack deals +10...26...30 damage and an additional +0...2...3 (Max 90) damage for every point of energy lost. A Deep Wound is then inflicted for 8...22...25 seconds. This attack will always critical. This attack cannot be blocked if the target is under a stance. (Attribute: Axe Mastery)

Hammer Mastery[edit]


5 Adrenaline25 Recharge time - Elite Skill. For 20 seconds, you gain 89...247...286 maximum health, 20 armor, and 1...8...10 base damage reduction. When this skill ends your maximum health is then reduced by 85...29...15 for 20...8...5 seconds}} seconds. (Attribute: Strength)

5 Energy½ Activation time8 Recharge time - Elite Melee Attack. This attack strikes for +10...18...20 damage if it hits. If the target is under any enchantments, this attack cannot be blocked, and prevents further enchantments on the target for 3...8...9 seconds. (Attribute: Strength)

Sword Mastery[edit]


No Attribute[edit]