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Guild History:

K A R M A [ZEN] (Top 20) - Most people have no clue what this guild was simply because it was an alpha/beta guild, and died shortly after release. It was top 20 and won halls quite a bit at the time.
Negative Zero [nO] (Top 5) - I joined originally with S A M A, the leader of K A R M A when it generally killed over. Eventually, I ended up joining the "re-make" which was basically Korean pretending to be Midi. It was interesting though... I liked seeing the old name. I still held our smurf, Positive Zero [pO] at that point.
Marvel Superheroes [MS] (top 10) - Well, pretty much everyone knows this one... I left some time after the PvPx weekend after Phat had been made leader, then he gave it back to Hulk who had rejoined briefly, then back to Phat. Phat was just tanking the guild and most everyone except a few had left at that point. I left with a couple friends in MS and we made our own guild for awhile, which didn't actually last too long or even do too well, but it was pretty fun. Basically, it was Evil Kya (leader of Int One Allstars [gg]), myself, two MS members - Divine & Uber Penguin, a few random friends, Polly (Chop chop), Polly's brother Nalia, and a few others...
Yin And Yang [YAY] (top 10) - Joined these guys, at which time I was either going to join them or pRp, as I had many friends in both at the time. At this point, I was great friends with Lucis Ferre and Savior Of Faith (hell, I don't remember what other names he used... Nick, ended up calling for EnS after Elrade went poof). But, Uber went to YAY and I played with them first, they asked me to join first, and that was that. Stayed with them, they were a pure HA guild at the time. Worked up from nothing to top 10 with them, all of which time I was a core warrior. Sai Fury being the other warrior, whom was also the caller. I stayed with these guys for a long, long time. Eventually we had to remake the guild because originally Dragon had given the guild to Tiger, and Tiger disappeared and we couldn't register for the Championships, I think it was. So, we made The Voice Of Reason [vOR], with Stick as the leader...
The Voice Of Reason (top 10) - Same group of guys that was in YAY. It's actually most known for Necro spike, which I'll come right out and say is complete faggotry. We actually were top 20 with balanced, then Sai started not logging on as much -- he was caller at the time. Previously, we'd been bored at times when not GvGing and went HAing, Stick particularly liked Necro spike cause he thought it was fun. So, in HA we played Nec spike, found a great caller for it there, Jayfung, eventually they somehow decided that he'd join the guild and we'd run it in GvG. So, we did that... I kinda stopped playing as much when the Nec spike crap started... Prior to that I'd played about 16 hours a day.
Ectos And Shards [EnS] (top 5) - Was in there for a bit with Nick and Stick. Nick was calling for them at this point, rather than Elrade, but it was still decent. At this point I quit for a little while... Came back.
Rubies N Saphires [RnS] (top 10) - FC Air spike guild... I was mostly in there cause I'm friends with Starnub, C R O S S, Extreme Orgy, and I forget who all else... We did a bunch of random crap... FC air spike, FC ob spike, a bunch of random balanced builds which pretty much failed with them.
After this, I was still holding Marvel Superheroes, so I just put my account in there and quit for a good 6-8 months and played Lineage II. At some point Phat came back and wanted leader of MS, so I gave that to him again.


No champ title... Most of my high end GvG was prior to their implementation. As for HA ranks... I've had r11, r10, r9, r9, r9, r9. At the moment I only have 2 r9 accounts left, but it doesn't particularly matter... After you get a tiger it's worthless to keep going anyways. Glad is like 2 or something? I don't know. I don't RA or TA much.


Side Bar!+

It's stuff... But on the side.

  • My new warrior, isn't she cute?
  • My other warrior. Kinda cross-eyed, huh?.