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Ok I gots my user page.

A brief GW-bio: I've been playing for 2 years now, after having tried several MMORPGs, GW is still the best (and with what I'm about to write, that doesn't mean much good to other MMORPGS)

Although I hardly have any time now, I used to play AB's a lot and got as far as rank 10 Kurzick - very near to 11.

On the downside, a lot of players are leetist morons who think they own the game, and can speak from some kind of authority because they're capable of running PvX gimmick builds and talk crap all the time. Their presence in online games have caused me to move away from it, because there are various other things I could do with my time other than witnessing all the crap being flung around at eachother. If I want to see that happening I'll go and watch monkeys at the zoo.

Leetist morons managed to kill Tomb of Primeval Kings, for instance, when "fast pull" teams were "teh shit" however despite all claims, their rate of success was well below 1:10. Now, there are only A/E farmers left. There you go. Oh and if anyone reads this and thinks he's smart by saying: "Lern2Play" then I advise you to go take a look and see if you can still make *any* random team there.

You won't be able to.

Unfortunately leetists morons also managed to ruin UW, FoW and DoA or any other "leet" mission and because everyone's smarter than everyone else, expect a lot of crap talk and leavers ruining your gaming experience. And, more importantly: your time.

There is also the reason I don't play as much nowadays. Although it's fun to farm a bit, or do a mission or two with henchmen or a friend and that's all I need.

I used to be a Resto Rt in ABs, but now that Weapon of Warding is nerfed, I'm either going to have to invest points in 2nd monk for a blocking enchant or simply run monk builds. My beautiful build really required that skill for team members to provide pressure while not taking as much damage from physical attacks and a little regen against degen. Now it is ruined, and I don't see myself return to any type of PvP soon.

In fact, I gave it some more thought, and read into the wiki talk pages some more. Apparently skill balancers forget that *any* game is supposed to be FUN, and no dev team should ever attempt to force certain game styles onto their players and call it "encouragement", certainly not if that means ruining *my* builds by nerfing skills that render the whole concept of my build immensely useless.

Oh. Vow of Strength. What the FUCK. EVER. HAPPENED. TO. VOW OF STRENGTH. That has to be the lamest, most completely useless skill in the game ever. Should be reverted back to what it once was. What idiot moron thought it would be cool to have a elite skill that would only work on targets without conditions. WITHOUT CONDITIONS!! TARGETS WITHOUT CONDITIONS! OH MY GOD. Essentially this means Diva, my derv, resigning from the game. She *always* ran Vow of Strength builds. She loved it. Until this happened. She has been spending some time in Gwen's garden a while before moving to Vabbi where she is stuck in a perpetual writer's block trying to find a publisher for her memoires. Damn you arenanet.

Oh. And now, Weapon of Warding. WHAT. THE. FUCK. Ritualists are a delicate, hard to master profession, and it is terribly hard to compete with monks when it comes to supporting your PvP teams. One of the builds dear Savyi ran (literally, with Dash) had the elite energy management, two spirits, two heals, a conditional condition removal and a utility. A Very Necessary Utility. It somewhat protected the frontliners as they took aggro and countered some hexes/degen conditions in the process. Yeah, Ritualists cannot remove hexes so the utility came in pretty handy against many types of hexes... But now the utility ENDS when the team member attacks! They all have to sissy out of action if they want to live, giving the enemy monks time to heal up their team members, usually a little faster than any Rt can (particularly when she's carrying a item->no staff stat bonus).

So Savyi, poor girl, retires from PvP, and as she already saw every mission atleast three times, from PvE aswell.

I almost thought I could bring my Ranger and take my Punisher build, but that requires Read the Wind. Never mind about that anymore...................................................... Where's my DPS go?? WHAT THE FUCK.

Kilmore Tyme will indeed kill more time elsewhere (but certainly not in Tomb of Primeval kings since that went shitty - but that's not arenanets fault errrrrrr Perma shadow???)

Epic Fail.

I lost my online buddies. They too went away, demotivated.

And now I suppose Guild Wars is no longer my place.

It's been a good two years. If Guild Wars 2 ever makes it to a release, I might just check it out.

Signing off now.