User:Raine Valen/Form/Petition/Expertise Nerf

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"To water the leaf and not the stem is futile."

Because I'm tired of it. Stop nerfing everything else.

Don't nerf the scythe attacks. Don't nerf hammers. Don't nerf touch skills. Don't nerf spirits. Nerf Expertise.

Nerf Expertise.

Nerf Expertise.

Cut the stem.

I sign here, acknowledging my belief that Expertise is imbalanced and that it would be better for the game as a whole if Expertise were nerfed. I believe that the nerfing of other things because of their abuse by rangers is unfair. I do think that as long as Expertise remains in its current state, it will make other aspects of play that would normally be fair enough into something imbalanced, as exemplified by Touchers and Scythe Rangers (not limited to those of Sway) particularly, though not only in those cases.

I sign here in protest, because I don't think that reducing the power of other skills to keep Expertise in check is the way to go.

I sign here, petitioning you, ANEt, to cut the stem of these problems in order to end current problems and to prevent those that may occur in the future.

I sign here asking for a nerf to Expertise.

  1. User Raine R.gif Raine - talk 18:08, 30 October 2008 (UTC)
  2. =) Prose 03:07, 31 October 2008 (UTC)
  3. Primary attributes are retarded. --Jette User Jette awesome.png 01:33, 18 July 2009 (UTC)
  4. User MrDark88 sig.png MrDark88 13:34, 24 November 2009 (UTC)