User:Raine Valen/Musings/Dictionary

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  • ¯\(º_o)/¯ - p. - I deserve to die. Please insult me. - "I'm going to go play russian roulette by myself, ¯\(º_o)/¯."


  • 25/90 - v. - to nerf the FUCK out of - "Seeping Wound is so imba; someone needs to 25/90 this shit."


  • assacaster - n. - Assassin that uses Deadly Arts (especially Dancing Daggers, Entangling Asp, and Signet of Toxic Shock) as a primary means of dealing damage - "Our baddie monk got soloed by an assacaster."
  • asshat - n. - a person who either (a) doesn't know what the fuck is going on or (b) is close-minded - "Be less of an asshat, she just voided ALL of your claims and you're still trying to argue." - The term "asshat" originates from the phrase "having one's head up one's ass", and thus, wearing their ass as a hat.


  • BBQ (1) - adj. - extreme, typically used in conjunction with common abbreviations - "They ran four copies of Rodgort's for wtfBBQ domages."
  • "BBQ" (2) - p. - an expression used to mock a person who uses an overabundance of abbreviations in their chat - "I couldn't say anything but 'BBQ' after listening to the guy spout a stream of abbreviations that took up half of my char box."
  • bitch (1) - n. - player who plays a bitch role - "I used to play rit a lot, but I got tired of always being the bitch."
  • bitch (2) - v. - to censure a teammate for something that they had no control over - "Raine bitched at me for not doing anything about the SF ele, when they had fucking perma Weapon of Warding on them!"
  • bitch bar - n. - see bitch role.
  • bitch role - n. - role with a team that exists purely for the sake of assisting one or more other teammates in performing their function - "I'm tired of playing smite rit. It's someone else's turn to be the derv's bitch."
  • buildwars - v. - to study and interpret an opponent's strengths and weaknesses, then utilize a specific team setup to nullify said opponent's strengths and capitalize on said opponent's weaknesses - "We're not going to be able to beat this Gothspike with Balanced; we're going to have to buildwars them."
  • Build Wars - also build wars - n. - unideal state of game play wherein strength of a skill bar, rather than player skill, is the deciding factor of the outcome of a match - "The Sway meta reduced much of HA to Build Wars, where teams that ran counters to Sway could easily win, while teams that ran Balanced found it difficult to win."
  • bum rush - v. - to rush into the other team at an attempt to overwhelm them. - "The other team bum rushed us and we got owned."


  • cum swap - v. - to repeatedly use Foul Feast and Plague Sending to transfer conditions back and forth between two teams - "We're all dying from condi pressure because our Necro can't cum swap fast enough!"
  • cutter - see wrist cutter.


  • donga donga sin - see assacaster.



  • faggotry - also gayage - n. - usage of a "lame" or "gimmicky" build or playstyle - "I wanted to TA today, but with the zquest, it's the same RtL faggotry over and over."
  • frawress - p. - a term used to annoy the other team, regardless not only of whether or not the victory was flawless, but also regardless of which team is winning - "frawress! frawress!" - derived from "flawless".


  • gayage - also faggotry - n. - usage of a "lame" or "gimmicky" build or playstyle - "I wanted to HA today, but with the zquest, it's the same RtL gayage over and over."
  • grind - v. - to repeat the same task a large amount of times to gain a small benefit. Many games use grind to artificially make the game take longer to beat.


  • hax - also h4x - adj. - skilled (or lucky) to the point of seeming to break game mechanics - "That Bull's was hax. He wasn't even moving!" Derived from "hacks."





  • lamer - n. - a person who performs the cheeziest types of actions to accomplish something. "The only thing you lamers ever play is hexway!" (pl. lamers)



  • narutard - n. - Assassin player who believes that they are a ninja, originated from the popular anime about ninjas, Naruto - "We could've won if we didn't have some fucking narutard with eight shadow steps on their bar."
  • "Next." - p. - literally, "Next team, please."; used to express the ease of defeating the previous team - "After the 62nd win in their TA streak, Cirque's team took to saying "Next" after dropping each RA team."
  • nolifer - also no-lifer - n. - player who regularly engages in PvP below their ability - "It's impossible to get good win streaks in TA because of all of the nolifers."
  • Noob - Also nub - n. - A bad or otherwise unpleasant player. Not to be confused with newb, which is a new player. Note, that that new players can be noobs. "Noob! What idiot brings Resurrect to RA?"
  • Nubcaek - n. - A player who is a noob, commonly used in a joking way. Variants include Noobcake, which is the same but spelled correctly. Incorrect spelling is used to further increase the point of the nubcaek being a nubcaek. "Omg! Heal teh worrior u nubcaekz!"



  • pew pew (1) - n. - action - "Less QQ, more pew pew."
  • pew pew (2) - n. - ranged damage - "Our build doesn't have enough pew pew; let's add a BA ranger."
  • pimp - n. - Assassin that uses Palm Strike - "I dshotted Palm Strike, so that pimp's not going to be doing anything for a while."
  • pimp slap - also pimpslap - n. - Palm Strike - "Look at all of these baddies running pimp slap."
  • pro - also pr0, pr0h4x - adj. - very skilled - "Knocking down people with Bull's in Flail is pr0."
  • pwn - v. - to defeat by a wide margin - "We totally pwned those scrubs on UW. They didn't get a single kill."


  • quarterknock - also QKnock - n. a well-timed chain of two knockdowns, leaving a minuscule window for the target to be able to move or use skills.
  • QQ (1) - also qq - v. - to cry, whine, or complain - "No matter how much you QQ about it, HA is still going to be full of shitters getting wins with IWAY."
  • QQ (2) - also qq - n. - an instance of QQing - "I'm sick of all your QQ. I'm gonna take off till you get it together."


  • rage (1) - v. - to censure a teammate for doing something wrong - "Raine raged at me for trying to Bull's the shrine NPCs."
  • rage (2) - also ragequit - v. - to leave a team, guild, or alliance out of disdain or contempt - "He finally raged. I guess you were bitching at him too hard."
  • ragequit - see rage (2).


  • sadface - v. - to express sadness or disappointment - "Shield of Deflection makes enemy physicals sadface."
  • srs bsns - n. - literally, "serious business"; often used to mock the degree of unnecessary importance that another attributes to something - "Don't take it so hard; AB isn't srs bsns."
  • surprise buttsex - n. - the act of knocking down a melee character with Bull's Strike or Enraged Smash as they attack someone else - "Makk saved me from that baddie sin with lots of surprise buttsex."


  • tbh - p. - literally, "to be honest"; often used as "tbfh" (to be fully honest).
  • trimway - n. - team consisting of high-end PvPers with cape trim - "We're not getting killed because it's Rampageway, we're getting killed because it's trimway."


  • "umad" - also "umad?" - p. - literally, "You mad?"; often used mockingly or jeeringly. - "He interjected into the other team's bitching with a mocking 'umad', at which we all began to laugh."


  • Vent rage (1) - v. - to rage at someone in Vent - "If you screw up, I'll Vent rage at you so hard I'll blow out your speakers."
  • Vent rage (2) - n. - a session of Vent rage - "I had to drop off their Vent; there was some serious Vent rage in there."


  • wammo - n. - a warrior/monk build often built for survival instead of damage. "We probably would have won if we got a real warrior instead of that nub wammo."
  • wrist cutter - also cutter - n. - a Necromancer who uses Blood is Power - "Are you that bad at managing energy? Do we need to get you a wrist cutter?"




  • zergrush (1) - v. - to have a number of melee characters (or minions) rush a base in GvG and swarm around a single target, typically the Guild Lord, doing as much damage as they can without fear of death or failure. "We had more morale than them, but they zergrushed our lord in the last minute for the win."
  • zergrush (2) - n. - the act of zergrushing; can also be used with respect to minion masters in pve.
  • zzz - usually used to express displeasure against lamers. "They're paraspike, zzz..."