User:Serge Yseron/1000K contest
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This page is about a particular player-run or community-hosted event.
The contents of this page are player-managed and do not represent official Guild Wars lore or canon. |
- Preview
- Price: 1000K
- Location: Fissure Of Woe
- Goals: Complete all quests and get to end chest with at least 3 party members alive
- Time limit ( finale only ): 7 hours maximum ( the judge need to sleep )
Are declared non eligible:
- Candidats working directly for ArenaNet, and whose offices are located in the same building as Regina, at the exception of Izzy (if he win this one, i swear that i will offer him a pack of his favorite drink)
- Myself
Will be declared eligible:
- Candidats who will provide screenshots, before July the 4th, proving that they can participate to the grand finale. The first 4 teams of candidats who will post the required screenshots (jp(e)g only) between June the 20th and July the 4th will go for the final. Teams will be sorted by date/time, using e-mails time stamps. Late subscribers will be kept for replacement if it appears that the other first 4 did fake their screenies. Try to pack the screenies of your team in an archive.
- For each player: On one screenshot taken at the begining of the instance, will appear his complete inventory and his skill bar, along with the party panel. On a second screenshot must appear his skillbar and the goal reached. Screenshots must not be resized or cliped in any way. There is no time limit fixed for reaching the goals in this preliminary step.
- The builds and team composition revealed by those screenshots wont be exposed to the other condidats by myself ( but candidats are free to expose them as they see fit ). The adress at wich they can upload the screenshots is ( this mail box will be deleted after the contest )
- Be aware that teams will have to participate to the finale with the exact same team composition and skills shown on these screenshots. Players may change armor pieces, runes and insignas as they see fit at any time, even during the finale. ( A drop of the armors pieces on the floor would suffice to check that anyway ).
- A candidat cannot be part of more than one team. No alliance or guild restriction aside that ( example, all teams can belong to the same guild or the same alliance ).
- Team composition:
. A team must be formed of a maximum of 4 players ( heroes included ), each of them having a different primary class.
. A team can have up to 3 heroes.
. Pets are prohibited
- Skills usage restriction:
. All monk enchantments are prohibited with the exception of: Healing Breeze, Patient Spirit, Holy Veil, Vigorous Spirit.
. A maximum of 2 monk enchantments, party wise, are authorised.
. A maximum of 2 pve skills, party wise, are authorised.
. Skills that create minions, directly, or indirectly, are prohibited.
. Skills that prevent players from beeing the target of spells are prohibited.
. Skills that grant a total immunity to either spells or damages or both are prohibited with the exception of Hex Breaker. If you have any doubt about what skill is concerned post a question on the discussion page of this contest.
- Consumables restriction:
. The use of consumables ( summoning items included ) is prohibited with the exception of resurection scrolls.
- Resurections restriction:
. A maximum of 2 resurections, party wise, are authorised ( example: 2 different players resurected or the same player resurected twice count as 2 resurections ).
- During 4 days, with one team per day, the finalists will have to reach the same goals described in the description section of this page with me (Jean Yseron) as a spectator. The team that reach the goals in the shorter time will be declared the winning team.
- A time greater than 7 hours will eliminate the team.
- Only one attempt will be granted to each team. However, a disconnection resulting in a party whipe will give you a second and unique other chance. Check your internet connection before taking on the challenge, not while you are in the instance.
- In the case where all teams would exceed the said time, no team would be declared winning and i would keep the 1000K ( i count on you so that it wont happen )
Price delivering[edit]
One week after the winning team will be announced, a rendez-vous will occur in game and the 1000K will be devided among the non AI controlled characters of the winning team.
. Team composed of 1 player + 3 heroes -> the player will get 1000K
. Team composed of 4 players -> each player will get 250K
This one week delay is there to check with ArenaNet some potential cheating.