User:The Sins We Die By/Party Build

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Party Upkeep (Being Developed)[edit]

For a party of 8
To try and make this simple I'll attempt to put numeric values to my thought process.
My view generalized (Rune references for simplicity: Sup+3 Maj+2 Min+1)
  • Major Prot Single Target(i.e. SB+SoA+Guardian, WoWarding/WoShadow+Resilient Weapon) *2
  • Superior Healing Single Target(i.e. WoH+Infuse, ZB+DF+Signet of Devotion, Imbue+Watchful)
  • Major Healing Single Target(i.e. Patient Spirit+Signet of Rejuv, Spirit Light/Weilder's Boon + Soothing Memories/MBaS)
  • Minor Healing Party-Wide for pressure prevention (i.e. LoD, PwK, Heal Party, Life) *2
  • Major Offensive Damage Prevention (i.e. Blind, Miss Hexes) * 2
  • Major Multi-Functional Tactics(i.e. D-Shot + Savage Shot, Snare) * 2
  • Superior Pressure Prevention (i.e. RC, PnH)
  • Minor Single Target Pressure Prevention (i.e. Draw(NOT FF)+Cure Hex/Spotlesses/Holy Veil)

Example of Roles in builds.

  • WoH+Infuse, Patient Spirit+Signet of Rejuvenation, Cure Hex+Draw Conditions = +6 Support
  • PnH, SoA+Guardian+SB, RoF+Aura of Stability = +6 Support
  • Caretaker's Charge, Resilient Weapon+WoW, PwK, Soothing Memories+Wielder's Boon = +5 Support, +2 Multi-Function
  • Icy Shackles, Glyph of Immolation+Steam+Blurred Vision, Freezing Gust+Ice Prison = +6 Multi-Function, +2 Offense

The above is my IDEAL job distribution due to risk of shut-down, but here are the net values for what team support should be...

  • Single Target Healing +5
  • Party-Wide Healing +2
  • Single Target Prot +4
  • Single Target Pressure Prevention +4
  • Offensvie Damage Prevention +2
  • Multi-Functional Tactics +5 * 2 for offensive use
I honestly don't care what professions these come from as long as the distribution can't be spread beyond +24 without Sacrificing Offense.

My Skill Power System for GW (Being Developed)[edit]

General Assumptions[edit]

  • Team is as strong as the weakest link. Casters.
  • Average health of the weakest link is 600 and 66.5AL or 615 and 64AL
  • However weakest a caster will be is what will be used in power calculations.
  • Therefore 580HP and 60AL are base.
  • Damage can come from up to 8 sources, but due to combat restrictions it will be assumed damage will only come from the upper quartile. Therefore 5 will be used as the likely number of damage sources. Reasoning is weaker damage will come from a majority of the party and some support may result in damaging the enemy.
  • Average human reaction time is .215 seconds. Video gamers reaction time increases nearly 40% due to increase in senses and anticipation. VGP Reaction Time is assumed at .13 seconds
  • A PvPer with a decent connection will have ping around .120 average.
  • Delay between action and reaction is assumed to be .250 seconds.
  • Arrow interrupts are assumed at 1/4 of a second + 1/2 recurve bow flight time at shortbow range. Therefore .450 seconds
  • Activation time of energy skills counts towards a decrease in energy cost based on base energy regen of a class with armor.
  • 40/40 sets will not be assumed ever nor calculated.
  • Skill power will be calculated based on attribute levels of 14.
  • Skills may be calculated more than once based on currently known best possible circumstances. In fact some will be assumed in such a manner.
  • Some rules may be created by other skills as they effect other skills. These will tend to be current meta or those that have stood the test of time.
  • Yes things will vary slightly from profession to profession but the most viable profession is what calculations will be based on.
  • A skills power is the sum of its components.
  • Skills should not be more powerful than +3.5 ever.

Skill Base[edit]

  • Energy Cost will be based on base cost, skill recharge, activation time, and either caster base energy+10, or other profession base energy. Elementalists will be assumed as having 9 energy storage at least therefore they're base energy is considered 67.
Casters (Non-Elementalist) - 40
Elementalist - 67
Warrior - 20
Assassin - 25
Ranger - 25
Paragon - 30
Note that ranger's will be assumed as having at least 9 expertise, which will count towards they're energy cost. For some skills it may be assumed higher.
Also note that dervishes will be assumed as having at least 9 mysticism and as a result base cost of all self targeting enchants is reduced by 3.
Please note again some skills will be assumed as effecting others which means they may effect scores of other skills.
Skill power based on Net Energy Can be negative.
Net energy formula --> ((base energy regen * (activation time + recharge time))- base cost calculations)
Net Energy/(Activation Time + Recharge Time) = Skill Power
Energy Cost penalty (Can not effect skill power in a positive way, penalty can be 0). (Energy Cost - (Activation Time * ((1/3) base pips of energy regen))/Profession Base Energy
  • Activation Time will be based on instant casts. Skills deemed useful gain an automatic +0.5 if they activate instantly. The effectiveness rating after that is not complete currently but will for now be based on exponential judgment. Activation times falling under 1/2 a second
Instant = +0.5
1/4 = +0.4875
1/2 = +0.450
3/4 = +0.4
1 s = +0.35
2 s = +0.25
3 s = +0.10
5 s = +0.00
  • Recharge Time will also be based on instant casts. Instant recharge times give a skill an automatic +1. Every 2 seconds added to a recharge subtracts .1 points from the max +1. So after 20 seconds there is no added power to a skill, instead you begin to subtract power from skills.
Instant = +1
2 Secon = +0.9
4 Secon = +0.8
6 Secon = +0.7
8 Secon = +0.6
10 Seco = +0.5
12 Seco = +0.4
14 Seco = +0.3
15 Seco = +0.25
22 Seco = -0.1
30 Seco = -0.5
As you can see use frequency is a major part of a skills power.
  • upkeep is based on duration and recharge. Sometimes upkeep may not impact a skills power depending on the skill effect. If it is a 1 time effect then upkeep has an insignificant effect on power. If a 1 time effect upkeep is infinite it gets an automatic power buff of +0.25. If an upkeep is strippable without its effect triggering then it loses .1 power (stances only lose .05 power for this penalty due to their nature and difficulty to strip).
  • HP Impact is based on how much a skill effects your hit points or health. Since it will be assumed that 580 is the base hp and 60 is the base AL I will explain how this calculation works from here. Given that the reaction time of a completely unforeseen spike on a target ally is about 1/4 of a second and the skill activation time of a skill used to stop one of those spikes is going to be 1/4 of a second we can pretty much say that there is going to about a 1/2 second window to slip in a skill to prevent an allies death. This is assuming a best case scenario for the team on the offensive, however it is more likely that there will be a larger window to prevent a spike from succeeding due to player observation, positioning, and coordination delay from the offensive team. In any case the most damage a single target SHOULD be able to do over the course of 3/4 of a second, which is how long party support has to save their teammate in their own worst case scenario, is 100 dmg. Now remember I assumed earlier that this was capable by up to 5 people in a party, which in reality it is not but when you consider deep wound and support damage it should even out to be about this. So from 5 sources on the higher end of a spike we have 500 damage + deepwound give or take 50 damage from criticals. No spike on a balanced team should ever be able to outdo this in 3/4 of a second, at least not by much damage. If it takes longer than 3/4 of a second to pull off a team spike say 1.25 second you can do 700 + dw and it still be balanced because it is far within the realm of human reaction time. Given 2 seconds of time 900 + dw is still balanced because that is far into the range of human reaction time. There must be a cutoff of damage though after that point because healing will have lost it's maintainability and only SoA would save a person at that point. Notice that these rules are still based on other key skills that are generally accepted as core to the game. Now lets get to skill power from this. A skills power is +1 if it does the full 100 health swap at attribute 14. So to find a skills power based on health swap multiply it by .01.
150 HP Impact = +1.5
100 HP Impact = +1
050 HP Impact = +0.5
  • Penalties
Slow Moving Spell Projectiles (i.e. Flare, Dancing Daggers, Lightning Orb) Lose .35 skill power bcs of being possible to dodge and requiring an unobstructed arcing path.
Enchantments -0.1 power for being strippable
Hexes -0.1 power for being strippable
Stances -0.05 power for being strippable
Energy Cost penalty (Can not effect skill power in a positive way, penalty can be 0). (Energy Cost - (Activation Time * ((1/3) base pips of energy regen))/Profession Base Energy

Health Degeneration[edit]

Factored into HP Impact as Net HP Impact. 2 * Pips of Degen * Duration in Seconds.


Scored individually.
  • Bleeding .06*Duration in Seconds
  • Blind 90% Shutdown of attack damage. Assuming a high reliance on attack damage for a team, 90% shutdown of a member of the opposing team. 100% Shutdown being the best possible score means that 100% should be +3. Therefore 2.7 is the score of blind per individual it can shutdown, however given that blind is high priority for removing it's effectiveness will be cut down due to the availability of its counters. So 2.7*25%. This gives blind a score of 0.675 per individual it can be maintained on and affect per match.
  • Burning .14*Duration in Seconds
  • Cracked Armor is only effective assuming armor > 60. Therefore is score is so insignificant due to positive and negative effects of the condition being applied that it is scored at +0.2
  • Crippled
  • Dazed
  • Deep Wound
  • Disease
  • Poison
  • Weakness

Skill Range[edit]

Spell Range - This is the longest range of most skills, save spirits and long/flat bows. Skills with this range are not effected at all in their power rating.
Half Range - These skills receive a multiplier penalty of 10%. Meaning if a skill was scored with a 1.0 power rating but was half range it would be a 0.9 power rating after calculation. Note that half range projectile skills only receive half the projectile penalty, which is calculated before this multiplier.
Touch Range - Skills with this range receive a multiplier penalty of 15%. A skill with a 2.0 power rating would be rated at 1.7 after calculations.
The penalties are incurred on skills because of the ability for players to kite out of a skill's range.

Area of Effect[edit]

Party Range - Receive a multiplier of 7
Spirit Range - Receive a multiplier of 6
Shout Distance- Receive a multiplier of 4
Area - Receive a multiplier of 2.5
Nearby - Receive a multiplier of 2
Adjacent - Receive a multiplier of 1.5
These values have been determined based on observation based on the number of targets likely to be effected as well as taking into into account line order and positioning.
These values are final multipliers in determining a skills power.

Duration Over Time (DoT)[edit]

For skills with nearby/adjacent AoE
Skills with negative health DoT effects are to be calculated based on the outcome power of the first two seconds. This is due to an assumption in players that they will not remain in these effects. This is an average because players will either not be effected at all, 1 time, 2 times, or assuming worst 3 times.
Skills with positive health DoT effects are to be calculated based on the first 4 seconds. This is due to the assumption players will take advantage of these opportunities and either miss a second or be forced out early.

Testing My System[edit]

WoH in My System

Skill Rule-Due to 50% conditional I must average the two numbers

216@14 w/cond
Rule Avg +1.69
Recharge +0.85
Activation +0.4
Energy Cost Penalty -0.1
Total Avg 2.84 + DF Heal * 0.01
Total Max 3.31 + DF Heal * 0.01
Total Min 2.37 + DF Heal * 0.01
Searing Flames
Net Energy Cost
With Attunement -1.666
WIth Attunement + AoR -1.333
Energy Cost Penalty -0.204
Activation Time +0.35
Recharge +0.9
HP Impact +0.94
3 Uses results in 7 seconds of burning with HP impact of +1.88
7 seconds of burning = 98 HP impact with a low priority of removal so 3/4 benefit 0.735
1.88+.735/3=0.871 Net HP Impact Score
Results Single Target
W/O Energy Cost 2.121
Multiply score by the number of targets hit (min 1) (avg 2.5)
Skill Power 5.3
Activation Time +0.35
Recharge Time +0.75
HP Impact +0.99
Net Energy +0.5
Energy Cost Penalty -0.15
Projectile Penalty -0.53
Half Range Penalty 10% = -0.19
Skill Power 1.72
Crippling Dagger in my system
Activation Time +0.35
Recharge Time +0.75
HP Impact +0.57
Net Energy +0.5
Energy Cost Penalty -0.15
Projectile Penalty -0.18
Half Range Penalty 10% = .18
Crippling on desired target up to luck
Skill Power 1.66