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Hayda brotherhood armor.jpg
Brotherhood Armor
Hayda Regalia.png

Brotherhood Regalia
Armor : 80
Spear Mastery +1 (Stacking)
Spear Mastery +3 (Non-stacking)
Health -75
Health +5

Survivor Insignia.png Rune Paragon Sup.png
Hayda Raiment.png

Brotherhood Raiment
Energy +5
Armor : 80
Health +30 (Non-stacking)
Energy +3

Radiant Insignia.png Rune All Minor.png
Hayda Armguards.png

Brotherhood Armguards
Energy +5
Armor : 80
Charism +1 (Non-stacking)
Energy +1

Radiant Insignia.png Rune Paragon Minor.png
Hayda Leggings.png

Brotherhood Leggings
Armor : 80
Energy +2
Energy +2

Radiant Insignia.png Rune All Minor.png
Hayda Sandals.png

Brotherhood Sandals
Armor : 80
Energy +2
Energy +1

Radiant Insignia.png Rune All Minor.png

User:VGz/Contents/Heroes/Hayda/Build User:VGz/Contents/Heroes/Hayda/Weapon