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General Informations[edit]

Nickname : VGz
Location : France French flag.png
Gender : Male Male.png
Type of gameplay : PvE

Account Titles[edit]

PvE Titles
Lucky (No Title Earned) :
0 tickets won
Unlucky (No Title Earned) :
0 games of chance lost
Treasure Hunter (No Title Earned) :
0 opened chests
Wisdom (No Title Earned) :
0 rare items identified
PvE/PvP Titles
Luxons Allegiance (No Title Earned) :
0 faction transferred
Kurzicks Allegiance (No Title Earned) :
0 faction transferred
Skillz (No Title Earned) :
0 gamer points
Zaishen Allegiance (No Title Earned) :
0 zaishen reputation points
PvP Titles
Gladiator (No Title Earned) :
0 gladiator points
Codex (No Title Earned) :
0 honor points
Hero (No Title Earned) :
0 fame
Champion (No Title Earned) :
0 victories