User:VGz/Templates/Armor Piece

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Armor : 60
{{{rune1}}} (Non-stacking)


  • All inherents bonuses are automaticly added when choosing the profession of the armor piece.
| name    = <name of the armor piece>
| part    = <head|chest|hands|legs|feet>
| prof    = <profession> <!-- used to specify inherent bonus -->
| head    = [attribute of head bonus] <!-- only for head piece -->
| rune1   = <first rune bonus>
| rune2   = [second rune bonus]           <!-- most used for health malus of major and superior runes -->
| stack1  = <is rune1 stackable (yes/no)>
| stack2  = [is rune2 stackable (yes/no)] <!-- most used for health malus of major and superior runes -->
| insigna = <insigna bonus>
| icond   = [condition]
| infused = <yes/no>


Slim Spectacles
Armor : 60
Air Magic +1 (Stacking)
Air Magic +3 (Non-stacking)
Health -75
Energy +1

| name = Slim Spectacles
| part = head
| prof = e
| head = Air Magic
| rune1 = Air Magic +3
| stack1 = no
| rune2 = Health -75
| stack2 = yes
| insigna = Energy +1
| infused = yes