User talk:Auron/UnlockFirst/Elementalist

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Searing Flames[edit]

What? It's a powerful skill. User Raine R.gif Raine - talk 17:36, 3 December 2008 (UTC)


I'd add most of the following:

bflash bsurge lightningbolt orb mindshock

churningearth glowstone

conjflame flamedjinn immolate

deepfreeze fburst rust mirror iceprison

Ice Prison, Deep Freeze, Orb, and Fburst aren't in the meta right now, but I'd still consider them worthwhile to unlock. Mirror and Rust are meta right now, Conjure is always good to unlock, Churning Earth goes with the rest of the bloupy bar, FDH and Immolate are essential for split mindblast, and the air stuff along with glowstone are perfectly viable. --Lemming 17:28, 4 December 2008 (UTC)

Powerful water[edit]

put as essentials, move to mes for GvG if you think it's more appropriate to have an entire fuckin huge section there. Napalm Flame 10:44, 8 December 2008 (UTC)