User talk:Calerouxz/Custom Skills

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Tut for creating your skill[edit]

here's the code used for each skill: {{[User Skill infobox | name = {{{Name of the Skill}}} | campaign = {{{Campaign of the Skill}}} | profession = {{{Profession of the Skill}}} | attribute = {{{Attribute of the Skill}}} | type = {{{Type of Skill (Spell/Signet/Etc....}}} | energy = {{{Energy needed to cast}}} | activation = {{{Activation time for the Skill}}} | recharge = {{{Recharge time for the skill}}} | description = {{{{Description of the skill. To display 1...4...5 use {{[gr|1|5]}}.}}} | concise description = {{{Displays Concise Description}}} ]}}

the image of the skill should be named exactly the same as the skill. Or the image will not be displayed.