User talk:Leanatan

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According to the user page policy, if you're going to use images for your user page they need to be uploaded with the name User <username> <image>. For example, if I was to upload an image it would be named User Anja Astor MyMonk.jpg. Any wrongly named image will get tagged for deletion. Also pay attention that it doesn't exceed 100kb in size and put {{user image}} in the description field. If there is anything else you want to know just leave a note on my talk page. Have fun and enjoy your stay! - anja talk 09:57, 31 July 2007 (UTC)

Ahora que has subido bien la imagen, te falta cambiar el enlace en tu página principal.DacrioS.PSombra 10:47, 31 July 2007 (UTC)

Grenth's Grasp[edit]

Man, asegurate de seguir las reglas, que el jefe de arriba pone que las imágenes que subiste no las subiste con el User Leanatan al principio del nombre o no le pusiste el user image o es demasiado pesada la imagen. Si no sigues su política te acaban borrando la imagen. Por cierto, tu enlace a la guadaña única Grenth's Grasp lleva a la habilidad Grenth's Grasp en lugar de a Grenth's Grasp (scythe). Ponle algo en plan (Grenth's Grasp (scythe)|Grenth's Grasp).DacrioS.PSombra 10:27, 31 July 2007 (UTC)