User talk:MionShion/Elite Balance/Dervish

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So instead of fixing wounding strike, we make it stupidly useless? Even izzy could do better than that--TahiriVeila 02:17, 16 December 2009 (UTC)

So what you're saying is you'd rather have the currently blatantly OP version over a version that kills your enchants (and gives you your energy back), but could potentially inflict up to 4 conditions, remove an enchant, and do bonus damage? I fail to see what's useless about it. If anything, it forces you to think intelligently about who and when to use this skill. MionShion 02:36, 16 December 2009 (UTC)
Conditions are meant to be easily applied and removed. 3s recharge with virtually no req dw is op. Randomly applying conditoins condition that requires burning enchantments takes way too much prep, costs way too much energy, and has way too much rcharge. All you need to do to fix wounding strike is give it a 7s recharge and make it so dw is covered by bleeding. You don't need to make a completely impractical and gimped skill--TahiriVeila 16:30, 16 December 2009 (UTC)