User talk:Raine Valen/Build/Derwische Smiteway

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Update Notes[edit]


This build is designed to shit all over hexways and other such nonsense, but it also does relatively well against Balanced builds and BBsway (in fact, Balthazar's Pendulum will gief many lols).
If your callers are good (or your monks are bad), you should enjoy quick matches. There are no bitchroles; the smiters need their shit together or you wil fail. Miserably.


The number-one complaint I hear with this is "You can't win king of the hill." On the contrary, yes you fucking can.
Not with traditional tactics, you can't, but you can sure as hell win king of the hill. The thing is, you can't stop the other teams from capping, but here's what you need to understand:

  • You can wipe the floor with whatever team you want.
  • People try to stop the team *with the highest score* from capping.
  • Once you cap, you have *a ridiculous amount of defense*.

See where this is going? If you're behind, the other teams will *let* you cap, at which point they can't get the altar back ever. The ideal time to cap is at 4-4-0 (you should have 0), and then you can hold for the rest of the match (the other 6-7 points). You can cap before that or maybe after it, but you really want people to rule you out by the time you cap. Just make sure you have enough time to come back once you cap.
In the mean time, try to keep the other teams' scores more or less even: this stops them from resigning out. You can't win 1v1 KotH.
