User talk:Raine Valen/Mass Balance/Skill Type/Chants and Shouts

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I don't understand (yet, may happen if the suggestion is finished) why shouts are ok and chants aren't, when the chant mechanic is more balanced than the shout mechanic. Combined with the fact that most chants have a 1-shot effect (Anthem of Flame, Song of Restoration), I fail to see why they should be balanced. They can already be interrupted, and removing something that would have been gone when the next attack hit anyway is hardly worth it when you could have removed something stronger like a conjure or something. 11:08, 21 April 2009 (UTC)

They are pretty worthless as they are right now, but buffing them makes them overpowered. That's the problem wif dem. Xhata 15:55, 21 April 2009 (UTC)
But why the focus on the chant's mechanics, when the shout's mechanics, which are the same without an activation time, are left alone? Imo, anything that applies to chants should automatically be applied to shouts as well. 07:25, 10 May 2009 (UTC)
They are both pretty broken. Some Shouts based on adrenaline cost are balanced, though. Xhata 08:55, 12 May 2009 (UTC)