User talk:Xeeron/suggestions/Title Emotes

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I was thinking about Kurzick/Luxon emotes. For example, the Urn Of Saint Victor or the Spear of Archemorus could appear after achieving a certain rank in the kurz/lux title and typing e.g. /luxon or kurzick

ty to [1] 22:59, 30 December 2008 (UTC)

Flashy emotes would become annoying. If it's something just appearing over the head or in front just like skill visual effects I won't mind. And it should have a time limitation so it never gets spammed. Something like once every 30 seconds in outpost and anytime after victory but only after victory in PvP. MithUser MithranArkanere Star.pngTalk 14:21, 13 January 2009 (UTC)
Well perhaps some of the emotes could actually be 'effects' that change depending on what title your character was displaying at the time. For instance, the max drunkard title could make it so that your character looked like it was wearing a lampshade on his head; Life of the party could have a party hat on your head and a party favor streamer blowing in and out;Max sugar title could have your character maybe have momentary bursts of speed while running in town; The Kind of a Big Deal title track could either have varying levels of emotes, or maybe even just a glowing aura that gets more pronounced as you advance higher in the title. I'm sure there could be many other good ideas for the other titles, to make them a little more interesting, while not being too overly flashy or noisy.-- 23:39, 23 January 2009 (UTC)