ArenaNet:Skill feedback/Mesmer/Crippling Anguish

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Info-Logo.png Note: As of September 2, 2009 this page is no longer active. If you have suggestions for Guild Wars skills please go to Feedback:Main to learn how to submit suggestions that ArenaNet can use.

Crippling Anguish Crippling Anguish's Issue -- 15:28, 24 February 2008 (UTC)


it's just a snare with minor degen , not usefull , and a weak elite , not worth using it anywhere
Elite Hex Spell. For 8...18...20 seconds, target moves, attacks and cast spells 50% slower and suffers -1...3...3 Health degeneration. 15energy cost , 1 sec cast time , 25sec recharge

Frvwfr2's Issue - 19:59, 30 April 2008 (UTC)


Too costly+Too long recharge, semi weak effect better done by a Cripshot
Elite Hex Spell. For 5...9...11 seconds, target moves 50% slower and takes 7...13...16 damage per second while moving. 5 Energy, 1 Activation time, 12 Recharge time

This slows them down, and punishes them for moving. However, it is not just fire and forget anymore. Damage may be a bit high.

Another Suggestion:
Elite Hex Spell. For 5...9...11 seconds, target moves 50% slower. When this hex ends, that foe is crippled for the remaining duration. 5 Energy, 1 Activation time, 8 Recharge time

Make it hard to remove!


as above
Elite Hex Spell. For 8...18...20 seconds, target moves 50% slower, suffers -1...3...4 Health degeneration and is crippled. 15 Energy, 1 Activation time, 17 Recharge time

This is a slight buff to degeneration (so that it is slightly more powerful than mending!), and also makes it a very hard snare to remove, since you would have to remove both the hex and the cripple. The recharge has also been slightly shortened so that you can maintain the skill quite comfortably on a foe (if you want to).

Desocupado's Issue -- (12:18, 27 November 2008 (GMT-3))

High energy cost for it's effects (which are already good)
Impossible to use against more that one target without heavy energy issues (arcane echo). And not really worthwhile to do so due to it's effects nature.
High recharge makes Mantra of Persistence useless along with it.

10 Energy 1 Activation time 20 Recharge time
Elite Hex Spell. For 6...14...15 seconds, target moves 50% slower and suffers -1...3...3 Health degeneration. :
10 Energy 1 Activation time 15 Recharge time

Chaos Messengers Issue

Water Magic snares better and causes much more pressure. This just has a quite weak effect.
Simple. Up the degen to 1...4...5.