ArenaNet:Skill feedback/PvE/"Save Yourselves!"

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"Save Yourselves!" "Save Yourselves!"

William Wallace Issue -- 04:58, 28 May 2008 (UTC)


Primarily used by paragons by forming imbagon based teams. Brings down the difficult in pve to be next to nothing and makes the game boring and unappealing with such a powerful build. Also whenever players suggest a buff for paragons for PvE, they always use the Imbagon argument saying they don't need a buff.
Change it from a adrenaline skill to a party wide shout that cost ten energy and make it have a recast time of forty five seconds. This will not have an impact on warriors in any way possible, but will make players realize how terrible paragons are for PvE and eliminating the imabagon excuse (as to why not buffing the other paragon skills for PvE).

Armond's issue - 01:46, 23 July 2008 (UTC)

Above poster is sort of right, but generally fails. This skill alone makes Paragons far more awesome at PvE than they were before (which was still pretty awesome - there are paragon hero builds for PvE that verge on overpowered, and they obviously don't use either this or TNTF). This single skill makes PvE far easier than it should be - similar to Ursan - but can also be combined with TNTF and ward honor for extra awesome.
Kill it. Reduce armor bonus to +60, recharge time of four seconds minimum, eight seconds preferred (because with four seconds you can still maintain it with two people, and bringing three human paragons to PvE is zzz). This kind of skill should never have been made in the first place.
moved to ArenaNet talk:Skill feedback/PvE/"Save Yourselves!"'s issue - 09:24, 26 December 2008 (UTC)

moved from User talk:Linsey Murdock

Could you please consider buffing "Save Yourselves!" for warrior primaries? As it is atm, players usually only bring this on a Paragon because they can maintain it very easily. Warriors aren't able to maintain it as easily though and so their best PvE skill became a Paragon one. Maybe increase the duration for 1 second every two ranks in strength or reduce the adrenal cost by 1 for every 3 ranks in strength? The way it is atm, most warriors will only cast this once in a battle and very late at that. Because Paragons have shouts to be doing during the battle and Warriors need to use attack skills, most of which are adrenal, this also competes with being able to use this skill at all on a normal warrior bar. We already have a permanent "Save Yourselves!" with little effort especially combined with Spear of Fury, from a paragon, a buff for warrior's using their own skill isn't going to make it more maintainable than it already is. 09:24, 26 December 2008 (UTC)

MistMaster's Issue 23:56, 30 August 2009 (UTC)


Has no use to warriors.


Make it to:" For 2 seconds for each ally in earshot, you have 25% attack speed 1...8...10 heath regenreation +40 armor and 50% to block. ends if a party member dies. 10Adrenaline