ArenaNet talk:Guild Wars 2 suggestions/Non Farmable Unique Items

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Hmmm - i dont think you understand the idea of invisible transition points. You cant go into areas looking for things you cannot see. That would only entail endless years of vanquishing to cover all areas of your current map. And since the appearance of of a random point is just that, time has nothing to do with it. Its random. And since all PvE players spend a lot of time 'in the field' as it were your chace of hitting one is just as good as anyone elses.

As for the skill vs luck argument - it takes no skill only time to farm greens and of course that wonderfull element of luck. I'm just trying to play with the time element. This could happen to you on your first week in the game or after six months - who knows. Hopefully both.

Skill - i never said it would be a walk in the park to get to the end of the area - this is a balance issue - so perhaps up the percentile slightly - and make them fiendishly hard? - this i find less appealing. I'm more going for the concept of 'kids find million dollars in barrel by railway'its not common, but it has happened.

Unique of course means unique to area - not to player. The items in question are not meant to be uber end game weapons (staff of insta-death) but this again is just a balance issue - i would like to see a staff that has +5 hit points - spell casters spend most of their time casting - so an extra few points is not going to make a huge difference.

The areas could be constructed from a composite system much like the GWEotN dungeons. I would hope that quite a few more players than 100 would find one of these treasure caches.