ArenaNet talk:Guild Wars 2 suggestions/Racial traits.

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I hear Ursan's going to be re-balanced. Gonna make a lot of people very happy I assume ;). Also a good experiment, if they can manage to balance it without making it unusable, such a skill is usable in GW2. However that will be more complicated since then all professions should also benefit equally from the racial skills. Adding an attribute may be good, to offer several skills, but would go against the vision of reducing the amount of skills. It may be an option to have, say, 4-5 racial skills each, not linked to an attribute (maybe linked to level), that cover different uses while being mutually exclusive; forms would be a nice way. Norn get animal forms, Humans the divine forms, Charr get legion 'form-ations', Asura get Golem forms, and Sylvari probably Nature forms (for those who wanted to be an Ent). These forms would have to be limited in use, for instance only recharging in morale boost, and are seperate from your skillbar. In my opinion such a system would be very fitting on what exists already, would probably keep all professions playable by every race, limit the number of extra skills, and would be distinct without getting unbalanced. --Tenshi Samshel 17:24, 21 July 2008 (UTC)

I'm not saying that the new attribute would add a megaton of new skills. I'm saying only a few. Kinda like the primary attributes of the Elementist, Necromancer and Mesmer. But your ideas not bad either. But I think the forms should be more restricted then that. I don't think all the races should have forms. But thats just me.Yozuk
No passive effects like extra hp for norn should be done, its just makes ppl play norn for warrior annd other melee classes. the other ones would be worse and cause of that not taken into parties etc.(Asura maybe have higher energy, all caster would love to be them etc) Instead make the bonuses(if there are any) so they fit every proffession. I cant really come up with anything right now. maybe like, norn ppl get additional armor vs physical, this attracts both casters and melee classes I bbelieve, atleast in the pvp we have now with alot of melee. Goody 17:09, 23 July 2008 (UTC)

Extra armor as an alternative to health would make people not choose a melee class over magic? How would that work? you must remember that the enemy is set up to go after the one with the lowest health. and a healer with high health has less to worry about with higher health. I personally would not choose a norn warrior over a charr, human, or Asura warrior because there ability's would be just as good. Like the human's Extended Skill time should never be over looked for any class. Or the charr's skill range would make for excellent casters, rangers, and melee. If you are going to over look these ability's for health you have some problems. And another thing I said I'm not sure how the Asuran would benefit from there attribute, and I said I Think it would have something to do with Zealous. But all of these are Just ideas. If you can think of something better please do.Yozuk

Truely making them different even if kinda balanced will be just as bad as anything, even worse, since youd end up needing every profession done in every race. Build options would depend on race chosen. That's why i suggested the forms idea, because that way all forms could do essentially give the same bonusses while being 'aesthetically' unique. Race should be purely aesthetic I think, if possible.
For all the races to have forms would not make them unique to one another. It would defeat the purpose of having different races with different ability. If every one had forms there would be no motivation or capability of experimenting with different combination's. What you suggesting with that is the same idea that was used for the Russian government, called Communism. Although good it theory bad in practice.--Yozuk 05:45, 7 August 2008 (UTC)

How about instead of adding a race specific attribute how about adding race specific skills to already existing attributes? that would cause less imbalance and it would be rather simple to nerf a skill opposed to having to do a complete attribute overhaul. thessassin

The Soviets were the main ones to badly practice bad communism. ;) Doesn't mean it is absolutely bad, cuz hell, capitalism put us to the dogs.
Not a bad idea you got there. As long as I can play any class with any race with out favorable classes for each race I'm cool with it.--Yozuk 17:01, 16 August 2008 (UTC)