ArenaNet talk:Skill feedback/Necromancer/Blood Renewal

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Info-Logo.png Note: As of September 2, 2009 this page is no longer active. If you have suggestions for Guild Wars skills please go to Feedback:Main to learn how to submit suggestions that ArenaNet can use.

TimeToGetIntense's Discussion

What about reversing it? Something like "you are healed for X health and begin bleeding for Y seconds"? -- Gordon Ecker 09:18, 3 March 2008 (UTC)

I prefer Time's suggestion, but @ 5 energy not @ 1... A. von Rin 01:55, 4 March 2008 (UTC)
I think it should stay at 1. In my suggestion I cut in half the heal at the end while cutting the sac cost by 15%. Maybe I should have suggested 12% to make the tradeoff closer to fair though. But basically I suggested to lower the amount of risk when using this spell, not really increase its power. --TimeToGetIntense 09:09, 4 March 2008 (UTC)
Trouble is at 12% and 1e (masochism ftw) you could basically keep spamming it without much thought. I'd say reduce sac to 17% and casting time to 1/4 (same as Hexer's Vigor and Mystic Regen). I agree about it not being practical when under heavy attack but it's not really supposed to be a heal like that. Brit 08:57, 10 March 2008 (UTC)
I say increase it to 10 energy, give it a 15 second recharge, and eliminate the health sacrifice entirely. Just to see how it goes. Nobody uses it as is, so it could be worth looking at. --Jette 05:21, 13 March 2008 (UTC)

I actually like the second suggesting. The conditional sac forces you to only use the skill when you need it, or otherwise not the the full benefit. --Angelic Loki 07:04, 30 April 2008 (UTC)
Thanks for the compliment. And BTW it is still useable above half health, just not as powerful. --The preceding unsigned comment was added by User: (talk).
I like both suggestions. 25%Sacrifice is just too much to be practical. If you're worried about abuse with Masochism, you could just up the recharge slightly (maybe 12Recharge time?). Tbh gaining 2-3 energy every 10 seconds is not that great for a skill slot and sacrifice (plus it's an extra second used).
Masochism is overpowered, nerf that, not health sacrifice. --The preceding unsigned comment was added by User: (talk).