ArenaNet talk:Skill feedback/Necromancer/Poisoned Heart

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Info-Logo.png Note: As of September 2, 2009 this page is no longer active. If you have suggestions for Guild Wars skills please go to Feedback:Main to learn how to submit suggestions that ArenaNet can use.

This is fine on Dervishes, it only needs a lower recharge like 5-8 seconds. A. von Rin 20:13, 27 March 2008 (UTC)

This is by far the strongest skill in the GAME and you want to BUFF it?!!? WTF?!?!? Note - Strongest at killing self 23:31, 16 April 2008 (UTC)
Why would you run d/n for anything but Orders? Either way it's completely ineffective on them too. It's only use is to spread Poison, which even poison tip signet is better at, especially with this enchantment's adjacent range and self degeneration taken into account. Even assuming you can get the poison on one enemy, the poison is going to get removed within 3 seconds (or otherwise just ignored as 10 seconds of poison is hardly a threat), where your enchantment is likely to stick around for 10, to the same purpose as a sacrifice except without a 1 energy cost.
I would laugh if I saw a nec use this. I would laugh even more if I saw it on a derv. Needs to be reworked. Anet needs to understand skills that require you to be upclose to your target is bad for casters. Needs to be full-ranged and changed. P A R A S I T I C 00:08, 7 May 2008 (UTC)
Last time I checked there's a scythe attack that makes you lose an enchantment and strikes twice, if you combine them your foes get hit twice with a scythe and are poisoned. --The preceding unsigned comment was added by User: (talk).
Mmm, the only place this could possibly work is on a derv to fuel a skill which requires enchantment loss (e.g. Twin Moon Sweep, Pious Assault, Mystic Sandstorm, Rending Touch et.c.), but even then it would probably be poor. How about one or a combination of: decrease recharge, increase area (to nearby maybe?), decrease duration (or enchantment), give it range, or add some better functionality, like "For [duration] you suffer [degen] and inflict Poison for 1...5...6 seconds whenever you cast a spell on a foe." That would make you have to decide if the degen was worth the poisoning.
Also, it should probably be moved to Death Magic (as suggested) or maybe Blood Magic (give Blood some more interesting skills, and this kinda fits the theme too).