ArenaNet talk:Skill feedback/Paragon/Anthem of Disruption

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the problem is when you have a paragon heavy team. The amount of interrupts becomes insane. --Life Infusion «T» 16:18, 21 March 2008 (UTC)

That is pure theorycraft, everybody just looks at the skill and says that without really thinking it out. Nobody and I mean NOBODY uses this skill and there's a reason(this also means you lack base for information of amount of interrupts it causes). You have to take into account, that a paragon team bringing lots of these would in fact devote 5 or so skill slots to this. Which sucks, compared a single Warmonger's weapon does the same job. On a usual team you get like 3 untimed (well except maybe the paragon who casted it) interrupts, making this skill not worth it. 2 sec cast makes it a huge interrupt bait, which isn't as bad as the amount of lost DPS and adrenaline is. Much like Song of Purification, Hexbreaker Aria, the 2 sec cast makes people not even consider this skill. --Spura 11:57, 22 March 2008 (UTC)
The cast time would be fine if it had: "Chant. (1...8...10 second(s).) Allies in earshot interrupt an action with their next 1...2...3 attack skills." You just could use the interrupts more coordinated. A. von Rin 16:38, 25 March 2008 (UTC)
Warmonger's weapon only works on one guy. That means at most you are interrupting one person, not the entire other team's midline and backline. My comment was based off Izzy's original reasoning for why this has 2 cast. I didn't make it up. --Life Infusion «T» 17:00, 29 March 2008 (UTC)

gah, cmon either lower recharge or cast time or this skill might as well never exist.... 00:39, 6 April 2008 (UTC)

make it trigger on any type of attack. NUKLEAR User NuclearVII signature 3.jpgIIV 23:55, 22 April 2008 (UTC)
Life infusion, you are not interrupting entire enemy midline and backline, that's pure bullshit. Average team has 3 physicals. So you are firing 3 randomly timed interrupts at random people in enemy midline or backline. That's 3 crap interrupts on 5 characters. "Disruping entire enemy midline and backline" my ass. Go make a ranger and spam interrupts at monks at random times. See how much disruption you cause by that(hint: barely any). By casting this skill paragon misses out on 2.75 sec of DPS and 2 adrenaline. Warmonger's weapon stays on one guy, but delivers many more interrupts. Izzy never gave his reasoning for 2 sec cast, he just said the skill was overpowered, which it was at 5 energy 1 cast 10 recharge.
Quote: Yeah this could be pretty insane, I'm not sure how I feel about it, while higher recharge would work, I would rather increase energy then recharge. ~Izzy @-'---- 01:58, 21 July 2007 (UTC)
And he did, cost went from 5 energy to 10 energy. Recharge went from 10 sec to 15 sec. The skill was not overpowered anymore. But he also had to screw with cast time, which turned this skill into crap that it is today. Never seen it run ever, pvp or pve. --Spura 14:03, 31 May 2008 (UTC)

This skill interupts through everything... even walls don't stop it. (bug?) So it doesn't need a buff imo maybe a fix even :p ( 18:32, 2 June 2008 (UTC))

No. This is a shitty skill that gives 3 random interrupts. RANDOM being the operative word. Warmongers, on the other hand, gives about 15-20 focused random interrupts. See where I come from? -- NUKLEAR User NuclearVII signature 3.jpgIIV 19:43, 2 June 2008 (UTC)
Warmonger's Weapon is uber imbalanced, please do not balance ANYTHING using that as a baseline.