ArenaNet talk:Skill feedback/Warrior/Power Attack

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Info-Logo.png Note: As of September 2, 2009 this page is no longer active. If you have suggestions for Guild Wars skills please go to Feedback:Main to learn how to submit suggestions that ArenaNet can use.

The idea behind this skill is to inflict a great amount of armor ignoring damage in a short period of time. The skill itself may be "boring" but it has got it´s use and might work well in some builds. Although, to make this skill causing cracked armor, would overpower it and melee classes aren´t supposed to inflict this condition. 09:22, 22 June 2008 (UTC)

No more +damage unconditional energy deepwounds, please. -- NUKLEAR User NuclearVII signature 3.jpgIIV 19:29, 3 July 2008 (UTC)
PA makes my Strength/Tactics build much more viable. I think its ok as it is. Eth 13:40, 22 July 2008 (UTC)
This skill is fine, personally I think that the reason most people have a problem with it is that that the 3sec recharge makes it spammable. Considering any other class it would be a true assumption, but I have always seen PA as a skill that would be used to keep dps going at a relatively high rate that you would throw in ever 10-15 seconds on a normal swing. The "lack of synergy" that people talk about on this skill untrue, its "synergy" is its role as a filler between attack chains or as an opener in some (rare) cases. Example Enraging Charge, PA, EC, insert Adrenaline combo here. Weaponmaster 21:35, 8 October 2008 (UTC)

It's just an energy based Executioner's Strike or Mighty Blow in strength and with the recent buff to Warrior's Endurance its much more viable to use with other powerful energy skills like Protector's Strike and Bull's Strike.--Underwood 22:05, 22 October 2008 (UTC)

its the most basic of attacks good addition to any attack combo. DW spike anyone? sure all the weapons of provisions for DW spikes built into them already but they are all adrenaline based and unreliable this will be there when you need to more times than not. 07:23, 1 January 2009 (UTC)