Character slot
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“Each new slot enables you to add a new character to your account with full access to all of the content your current characters enjoy.
— in-game description
A character slot refers to the allotment of potential characters an account can create. Every character created on an account occupies one character slot. A character slot may be used to create either a PvP-only character or a (PvE) roleplaying character.
- The base game comes with four character slots, and an additional two are added for each additional campaign.
- Additional character slots can be purchased in the online store.
- According to ArenaNet, the maximum amount of additional character slots that can be bought (on top of the number that came "out of the box" with campaigns) is 26. As of June 2015, the maximum number of slots allowed on your account is 28. [verification requested]
- The pre-order for Nightfall came with one additional character slot.