Feedback:User/Agentwaffle/3rd Person Reticule Targeting Option *With Video Demonstration*

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Simply what I am asking for, is the ability to choose a camera/targeting option as part of the user interface customization, that allows you to pick your targets in a suedo first-person/third-person shooter style method. Designed for advanced players, or players not as used to MMO combat, but more familiar with FPS controls, this option places an aiming reticule in the center of the screen, and locks the mouse in to control the camera direction and pitch, just like normal FPS/TPS games. When an enemy is highlighted by the aiming reticule, it is automatically selected as the target. It would not be set as the default camera settings, and would have to be set in the options menu.

The mouse would be locked into aiming, and could be unlocked by pressing a hotkey. Opening a menu item, such as Inventory, or a dialog, will suspend Third Person Targeting temporarily. Once the menu is closed, targeting will resume.

All ground targeting skills will target wherever the reticule is, as long as it is in range. Directional skills will face in the direction the camera is aiming. You could also add a toggleable option that would unlock the mouse automatically when doing ground target skills.

Here is my youtube video(I recorded it just for this purpose of suggesting the idea for Guild Wars 2) of my using Guild Wars 1 and a script I wrote to demonstrate just how easy and usable this is. (click on the blue[1]) [1]