Feedback:User/Arghore/Add a 4 slot Consumable Bar (F7-F10)

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Please add a 4 slot consumable bar to the GW2 interface, make it showing on screen an interface [v]-option, and link the 4 slots to F7-F10.

Seeing GW2 has a lot more consumables and usable items now, and there is a whole discipline linked to making them (cooking). There needs to be a good way to access atleast a few of them with ease, the consumable bar is the way to do this. I personally think that giving limited access to consumables through an interface bar would be the way to go, 4 slots should be more than enough to easily access those consumables that the player finds most important to have 'handy'.

And let's be fair about this, 'you' (anet) added all these consumables to the game, so give 'us' (consumers/players) a way to access them, without having to block 10-15% of our screens with the inventory pane. It's blocking my view on this wonderfull game, and makes using consumables a big hassle. These 2 results of adding consumables and not giving an easy way to access them can be easily fixed with such a bar, and in all honesty, the negative sides of an easy access (F7-10) free to design and integrate in to the GUI consumable bar, should FAR outweigh the negative results of not having one!

Dont make this game more like WOW-argument

When i talked about this in chat in GW2 there were a few people jumping to this argument the moment they read 'consumable bar'. Well do read this carefully, as i suggest just a 4 slot bar, and nothing close to a full cluttered screen like in WoW.

BUT, and here comes the most important thing, IF i want to easily access the consumables in GW2 now, i have to leave my inventory open all the time, THAT makes the game more like WOW, as i now have a whole inventory pane blocking about 10-15% of my screen, and most of the items in there i don't even have to see.

So, my answer to this arguement would obviously be, make this game less like WOW and add a dang 4-slot consumable bar, so i won't have to keep all these bags open, making the game look more like WOW with all these things cluttering my screen! With just 4 slots they could be integrated into the User Interface in a stylish way, there could be a check[v] option to show the bar (or not) while still having access to the items through F7-10.

The consumable bar has nothing to do with WOW, it has to do with easily accessing a decent % of the game's content in a way that is user friendly and does justice to the game (aka. not blocking a large part of the screen by the alternative of having to keep inventory open).