Feedback:User/BaineTheBotter/Instance Inclusion

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Based on personal experience, i feel that a system that allows you to replace A.I. characters with human players in the middle of an instance, be it a dungeon or even a simple quest, should be made available. This would be more of a convinence as players need not stop whatever they were doing to play with their friend, etc.

The system would act similar to the party invite system, accept under a different catergory, perhaps differentiated by color or even a warning sign:You are about to be summoned to an instance alone. Do you accept? when you accept the said invitation.

This is in the spirit of GW2 as some players that may have missed a world event instance by mere minutes, and can thus be invited to join in through this system.(provided some parties are occupied by a few AI henchmen)

I'm aware that there maybe issue regarding this, therefore some solutions are suggested:

Main Issue[edit]

This suggestion aims to solve problems of "OH I JUST ENTERED THE MISSION SORRY", allowing players to include others which they have just missed recently, promoting in-game social behaviour, thus improving game experience.

Running Missions[edit]

Let's say one uses the system to invite a lvl 5 person into the last moments of a certain mission, etc. therefore crediting the mission accomplishment with minimal peril to the lowbie in question. This can be solved by implementing a timer, say, 15 minutes into the instance, wherefore after that, players who are invited are not accredited the accomplishment of completing the instance.

Using humans to replaced DP-ed AI(if DP is implemented in GW2)[edit]

Sadly, if such a system were to be used to simply act as a Death Penalty remover, there is little we can do to prevent this UNLESS DP is transffered over to the invited human.(This makes up for pranks to be played on fellow players) DP would then be up to the player to remove by himself/herself.

Replacing ALL AI with humans[edit]

Even with the 15 minute timer, certain missions may be completed fast enough for the abuse listed above to be carried out. Another countermeasure is to simply limit the amount of players you can invite to your instance, say, 2 or 3 maximum.

Replacement in the middle of combat[edit]

Make it so that combat disables the replacement temporarily; the player invited will be teleported in when combat is over(no hostiles within aggro radius of party). Also, this may result in a bug that causes a player who is loading in to be shut out when a enemy patrols into the party all of a sudden. This can simply be solved by allowing the player that has been accepted to load regardless, (meaning the disable mechanism deactivates once there are no enemies within aggro radius) perhaps granting invicibility to the player until he moves or takes a specific action i.e. jump, to accomodate players with slower computers or internet.

Invite localization[edit]

Make it so that the party leaer may only invite others to his or her instance if the invited player is in the town/outpost to the party leader's instance. This would prevent abuses of "running players", as well as allowing lower-leveled players in PvE accomplish harder missions in advance via this system. Better still, impose a level limit, say, maximum 5 levels below the party leader's current level. Perhaps placing limits on where level capping is used will make the system more effective( i.e. implement only in more elite areas.)