Feedback:User/Beetlejuice/Mounts, how to do them right

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This is not really a suggestion to add mounts. I am feeling completely indifferent about it. But if you want to add them later here is how i would do it.

On mounting up lock skills 6-0 and replace skills 1-5 with mount skills. Mount skills should be exclusively skills that offer things that come in handy while traveling. An example for a horse mount could be:

  1. gallop: a short sprint
  2. crap: release some horse droppings snaring pursuing enemies.
  3. rear up: Short AoE fear centered around you in case you get swarmed.
  4. kick: knock back foes behind you.
  5. leap: extra long jump.

Kind of like the runner builds of gw1.

Oh and most importantly, don't cheap out on the mount calling animation. Rubbing your hands together to produce a smoke cloud that miraculously places a mount under your ass is really not the way to go. Doing it like LotRO for example is not so much more difficult and looks way more natural (although their casting time is a bit high).