Feedback:User/Borotvaltgandalf/Paragon Focus
Welcome to the paragon suggestion/discussion group-page. Here we will post ideas to make the paragon profession viable but not overpowered in both general pve and pvp. First we examine the role of the paragon, then we examine the issues on the current execution of that design, then we post our ideas on how to fix them. The ideas should use the top-down method of first picking a broader topic to fix(such as leadership or chant mechanics), then get to more specific subjects such as motivation line within a broad concept, ending with the specific skills themselves.
Remember that this is a community effort, and though It is on my feedback userspace, I don't claim anything on it, just my contributions on the talk page.
The concept of the Paragon[edit]
“The paragon is supposed to be a damage/aoe support character, with some single-target echoes and skills to widen up his or her arsenal.
— My interpretation of the Paragon. --Boro
15:41, 17 March 2011 (UTC)
“Good leadership is inspiring others in being lead to greatness; Great Leaders inspire Greatness and Good Leadership in others.
— My interpretation of the Paragon. --Falconeye 21:33, 26 January 2012 (UTC)
As a profession, Paragon was one of the most imbalanced ones because of relying on both adrenaline and energy, and the leadership attribute allowed the increase of both by it's passive effect at using a shout or chant, and focused anger/soldier's fury elites' active effects. Also some skills have a very long recharge for a one-shot effect, while others have their effects improving drastically when more paragons join forces. This means that the power of the group rises exponentially with the number of paragons in party.
- Rework leadership: less energy gain, eliminate adrenaline->energy conversion. As a result of this, energy intensity of paragon skills need an overall reduction
- Spear Mastery: Refocus on adrenaline gain, reduce damage output, increase support role by adding either conditions or neat half-range attacks. Meanwhile eliminate the concept of 3s attack activation times.
- Shouts and Chants: Anthems should be single target martial support, choruses party support and songs as single target utility support. Arias can be single target spellcaster support, and lyrics... lyrics still need a role.
Steps to Achieve this[edit]
- Get to the talk page.
- Talk about current topics.
- Or: Revisit previous topics.
Current Topic(s)[edit]
- The Paragon's Role: What role changes should we suggest with the paragon? Do we want it as a more pressure-oriented character, or as a more support-oriented one? How much sinergy do we want to leave between paragons? How do we want to improve the synergy between paragons and casters?
- Link section: Add links along with some of your comments to suggestions regarding the topic with 2 colon deep indents.
- Example
- Talamare's Paragon skill suggestions is more about long-term bonuses versus one-shot effects on chants, but has an interesting way of stopping paraway-ish groups. It's pretty outdated by now (Notice the Cracked Armor on Aggressive Refrain) (also sign your link addition) --Boro
09:17, 18 March 2011 (UTC)
- Mora's Paragon Skill suggestions may not the best suggestion, but you definately want to visit because it has great concepts. --Boro
09:33, 18 March 2011 (UTC)
- Khomet's Paragon skill suggestions were pool'ed from a previous focus group from Guru. --Falconeye 20:33, 19 March 2011 (UTC)
- Damysticreaper's Paragon skill suggestions should be looked at; it has Command oriented towards Martial-support and Motivation oriented towards Caster-support. --Falconeye 23:58, 4 May 2011 (UTC)
- Falconeye's Paragon skill suggestions attempts to reconcepts paragons as predecessors to GW2 Guardians by having Echoes mimic the "Virtue" ability. --Falconeye 16:42, 23 September 2011 (UTC)
- Do we want a collection of suggestion jokes aimed at the paragon? like "Let's Remake this to be the Best Class Ever with a nonelite easily maintainable shadow form and prenerf BuH accessible to everyone." or "Let's change spear to do 1337 to 1337 damage so imbagon won't be required".
- There is no link section for jokes.