Feedback:User/Derikvyreflame/Pride in Gloating: Skill Suggestion

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[Edit, I cleaned this up a little, as not to distract from the main idea.]


So, I had an interesting thought. In many FPS games, the multiplayer community has a form of flourish-kills; to give a (modest) example, assassinations in Halo: Reach, where you can make a flashy animation that is very rough and 'in your face,' finishing off the enemy.

The original Guild Wars had a (slight) equivalent; the Zaishen/Hero/Guild rank emotes to impale/devour/banish your downed foes, however this was used more for elitists in outposts, and did not contribute to the gameplay. Also, when used in PvP, it was AFTER the enemy was dead, and was more akin to trashtalk.

So, I was thinking, why not have a skill or function in Guild Wars 2 that has an awesome, dynamic animation? This would borrow some ideas from previous Guild Wars skills: The Asura-rank skill, Air of Superiority, and the Charr monster-skill, Gloat, but be unique in that you gain the effects AS you are killing an enemy.

Because A-Net has already announced 'Finishing' an enemy, I will build off of this and make it a function.

My idea is a function that only works on downed enemis, and acts like a finisher. Like Gloat, you do an animation with an activation time (resting your foot on your enemy and striking a pose), and, like AoS, your character shouts out a random battle quote and gives a random effect for killing the enemy.


  • You are a warrior, and you see a downed enemy who is on the verge of rallying. Seeing as you don't want to deal with them, you walk up and stab your blade into their stomach. You shout, "VICTORY IS OURS!"; this would spread fear/weakness to nearby enemies, and your allies gain fury and might.
  • You are a necromancer, and you notice an enemy, downed and being thorn in your side. You call out, "Your end is near!" and summon a gravely hand from the ground that grabs hold of your enemy and drags their soul down to the Underworld, causing nearby enemies to run in fear, and you gain life force.
  • You are a thief, and you watch a downed enemy, and their teammate is running to revive them. You quickly sneak up and slit their throat, giving you initiative, and you slip into stealth. This seems like a more silent finisher, and your character probably wouldn't shout anything. Perhaps a small speech bubble saying, "requiescat in pace" as you slide their eyes shut. AC2 anyone? ;) jk, but perhaps a simple "Embrace the darkness." will suffice.
  • You are a guardian, and you notice your teammate fighting an enemy. They are both downed, and the enemy is close to rallying. You run up and raise your weapon above your head and cry "Meet your judgement!" and strike them with a holy symbol, causing your nearby allies to be rallied with a good amount of health, and causing enemies to be set on fire.

It's the little things in games that truly bring satisfaction. Watching your enemy try to help out their when they are on the ground, waiting for their teammates to come save them... and with an epic flourish, you end the threat, while buffing your allies and possible debuffing your enemies. I believe this would bring another dimension to combat, and give players more of a dynamic feel to the combat.Derikvyreflame 18:57, 12 August 2011 (UTC)