Feedback talk:User/Derikvyreflame/Pride in Gloating: Skill Suggestion

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WOOHOO! Just saw the talk about PvP... we now know that there are finishers atleast! YAY ^^ Derikvyreflame 19:53, 17 August 2011 (UTC)

I hate those pretentious "Uber leet" emotes. I'd just as well not have any emotes that change with a certain . The emote for HA effectively keeps any new players from joining and getting good at HA. Lets not encourage more elitism in GW2.--Will Greyhawk 19:35, 19 September 2011 (UTC)
OH NONONO! You got it all wrong! This isn't to support elitists! No, this is a skill or function where you finish off a downed enemy, with a flashy animation A-KIN to the emotes in OGW. It would happen in the midst of battle, not outside of it in towns etc.. It's more of a "HAH! I JUST KILLEd YOU!", rather than "LOOK AT my 1337 EMOTEZ, NUBZ!" It'd be available to all characters, take an animation from a pool of amazing looking emotes (profession/race dependant most likely), and would be used in a battle.
This has already been implemented, in a sense, where you press 'f' in PVP while next to a downed opponent to "finish them." My suggestion is just to make it more... Epic ^^ Derikvyreflame 19:59, 19 September 2011 (UTC)
Ok, so now it sounds like griefing. I dislike that even more....--Will Greyhawk 22:05, 19 September 2011 (UTC)
Sigh* Alright, I probably won't be able to suade you, given how you are responding. However, I will continue to defend the suggestion, because I disagree with you and don't want others to think of the suggestion in a negative light.
According to your logic, my suggestion of "finishing off a dying player in a visually appealing fashion" (to put it in lame-man's terms) is griefing. Thus, and correct me if I am wrong, you must think that assassinations in Halo: Reach are griefing. And in Gears of War, executions are a bad thing, as well. If you are thinking, "Yes, those are both griefing and I hate them as well," then I'm sorry that you feel that way. But if you are an insightful person, you might say, "Well no, that isn't griefing; it's a game mechanic that looks visually appealing." And THAT is when you might start making the connection:
This is not 'griefing'; this is a mix of a useful finishing move and some pleasant eye-candy. It gives players who preform the finish a sense of achievement, and while it does demoralize the opponent, that will happen if they die, regardless. In many cases, this does the opposite, causing the opponent to fight harder and get more competetive; it just depends on who is playing. Derikvyreflame 22:48, 19 September 2011 (UTC)
This sounds like a visual form of the trash talking that already occurs in PvP...and to a minor extent, in PvE (Lumo the Mime taunts you if he wins, Dhuum dances on your grave, and I'm sure I'm missing a few others). I'm not a big fan of trash talk (since it's often so uncreative and... too often delivered by less-leet players), but I'm a big fan of cool effects. Maybe it's something that happens after a critical hit (which would make it easier to see them).
ANet probably won't implement this exactly as suggested, but I bet it catalyzes something interesting. – Tennessee Ernie Ford (TEF) 00:23, 20 September 2011 (UTC)
There's a subtle difference between my suggestion and trashtalking/griefing: In my suggestion, its a nice looking means to dispose of a threat, while taunting and such has absolutely NO point, from a tactical perspective. When you are performing a finisher, you are taking care of someone and looking cool doing it. It would be griefing if after your finsih them you, say, clap or do something to their dead body.
The suggestion is not to do something AFTER they're dead, but to do something to MAKE them.... dead... (Okay, that didn't flow correctly, but hopefully you get my meaning ^^) Derikvyreflame 00:35, 20 September 2011 (UTC)
I've never really played Gears of War, and am not in a hurry to do so. I also haven't played Halo since shortly after the first game came out. Now, what you seem to be saying in the comments, is that's its more of an attack animation to go with the "Finisher". Nothing inherently wrong with that, might even be cool. Your actual suggestion however doesn't give that impression, its sounds more like bragging. You say it again in your first response to me with the "Hah, I just killed you" example. I find that concept, at best, unnecessary. And, at worst, its griefing. I mean, the guy you killed knows he's dead now, not like he needs a memo. So, its bragging. That's just how I feel about it.--Will Greyhawk 20:18, 21 September 2011 (UTC)
I said its more like "hah i just killed you", its not like youd actually say that ;). I do, however, understand what you are saying. I explained it as a more in your face kind of animation, because I put the warrior as an example. A warrior will probably be a bit more brutal then, say, a thief, who wouldnt want his position given away. Seeing how people are reacting to the suggestion, I might have to go and clean up the article so that people dont get the wrong idea, cause it seems as though the main idea of the suggestiong was lost. ^^" Derikvyreflame 21:43, 21 September 2011 (UTC)
To me those after kill animations are nothing more than insult after injury. Anyways what i noticed in the trailers is that when you take out an enemy you occasionaly call out some phrases like And Stay Down! and That Takes Care of That! wich is enough for me to have. And personaly i think such lines are way better than some flashy look i killed someone animation and wich in a PvP match where people can die rather fast would be fun in the beginning but after a short while will end up to be outright annoying and a pain in the ass as you will continuously see it wich can even cause lags. Also it's a stolen idea wich like those WoW crafting things i oppose as GW2 should be and remain an original game with orginal content not stolen content. On paper it sounds nice and for the short run it is, but for the long run it does not. If i were you i would suggest some kick-ass phrases for the heroes to call out instead of asking for an emote. So Yay for finisher phrases and Nay for finisher emotes. Da Mystic Reaper 23:32, 4 November 2011 (UTC)
While I disagree about the insult part (I feel its more rewarding for the player than hurting to the victim), as well as the "stolen" comment (an original idea can still be similar to another, which from a distance seems like stealing, and GW2 should be less about originality and more about making the best game possible), I think that this is a sound idea, Mystic. It is true, a witty remark, or fitting comment could make the situation that much better. However, (and I haven't checked to see) I hope there is atleast SOME animation to it. It'd be silly if you are just standing over them and you finish them without doing ANYTHING. ^^" Derikvyreflame 00:31, 5 November 2011 (UTC)
You based your idea on what's inside other games wich makes it stolen in my perspective. As far as i understand you want to see a form on animation when you kill the target, well aside to comments a physical pose or gesture instead of a flashy animation would be the best way to go. Saying a line combined with a movement would also make it much more realistic and much more funnier. Also it's not either original and a to be a best game as possible, it's to be the most original and best game possible. That is something that can be demanded by now since Anet is making us wait this long, we don't want to see half-assed results due to compromises. Da Mystic Reaper 00:43, 5 November 2011 (UTC)
First, I'm sorry if I made it unclear: I don't mean 'use ideas others have' when i talked of originality. And I didn'tmean originality and game quality were mutually exclusive. What I meant was that when making the game, if they get an idea, not to write it off just because someone else has done it. So I'll explain: I got the idea from the impression I got from other games. Kind of an 'oh that's cool. What if something like that was in GW2?' kind of thing. I had put examples to help give an idea of what I meant, not as a guideline. Again, I'm sorry if this was unclear ^^"
back to the suggestion itself. After your comment, I am more in support of a pose or animation, coupled with a quote, that shows that you are finishing them. Indeed, a dozen or more giant, flashy animations popping up every matchwould do more harm than good, on the server and our enjoyment.
I might even rewrite the suggestion to accomodate this. :) Derikvyreflame 03:45, 5 November 2011 (UTC)
I personally wouldn't like that those finishing actions get you a boost. But I do like the animation suggestion. Another thing relevant to this topic is that we should maybe consider a (morale) boost after killing let's say 3 persons without getting downed, similar to CoD killstreaks?--DoorMoon 16:40, 14 November 2011 (UTC)