Feedback:User/Fantil Swift/Attirbute Combinations

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My suggestion is, that in Guild Wars 2, there could be skills that use 2 diffrent attributes. The effects could be like an elementalist casting Churning Earth and something like Searing Heat, but and be dependent on both Earth Magic and Fire Magic attibutes.

The effect of this skill could be: Creates (Skill name) at target foes location. For the next 5 seconds, target foe takes 5...17...20 Earth Damage and 5...17...20 Fire Damage each second. Any foe moving faster than normal is knocked down when struck by (skill name). Another sample idea/skill could be a necromancer skill, that might rely on death and blood magic. The effect could be like a Well and a Animate skill.

Of course these skills could have tonned down effects of skills it mixes, and higher energy/recharge/casting times. It would be a kind of neat thing that might save room on skill bars for other skills. Another way this could be done, is with "Chain" skills that are mentioned in the Warrior class description on the Guild Wars 2 site. Another thing that could be done like this, is allow the player to combind two of their skills, like for example, a ranger could combind skills like Long Range Shot and Posion Arrow, For a skill that has a very long range and posions its target, or something like Spread Shot and Crippling Shot.