Feedback:User/Frakeer/Quest givers

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Guild Wars 2 more or less promised the end of quest givers. I like the "nearby event" announcement system but stapeling the NPC's foot to their spot on the map still creates static points that take away from the dynamic world that I have been coming to expect. Granted, this past open beta weekend entailed a swarm of low level characters over two and a half days constantly making new toons up and doing these Heart quests... so you may already have this suggestion in place.

What if the antagonists of the "heart quest givers" (henceforth refered to as HQG's) were able to push them back to the gates of the city?

Imagine the feeling of impending doom as you walk out of the gates and found 3 of the HQG's cowering behind the city watch? As you step out, guards are holding ground on three fronts. I have seen cases where travel points were contested which makes good sense if they are behind enemy lines. Of course this battle wouldn't be that difficult because all the foes are hostile to each other as well so it would now be our task to reclaim the ground. As we push back to where the HQG's usually hang out we find their camp (something that really should be added for each HQG) destroyed but as soon as the last of the foes are dealt with (outside the quest of course) the HQG and a lacky or two start to rebuild the camp while we do the quest.

I am not saying that there should be a "world reset" every few days to make this happen. I would like to see the HQG's get pushed back towards the gate little by little spaning over 5 Guild Wars II days (one fifth of the way each day/night cycle) that no player interferes with this area. I am not sure what the day cycles are but for arguement sake say 8 hours. If no players venture into that area for 16 hours the foes will have pushed the HQG's back two fifths of the way to the gate. But then someone does come along that needs the quest and finds that he needs to do a bit more fighting (a "help HQG regain camp" event nearby announcement/quest) before the regular quest triggers. You could even have the city folks conversations mentioning that "the sons of Savenir have pushed so-n-so to the such-n-such waypoint".

Changing the static position of the HQG's is that extra step that would make these "quest givers" not feel like quest givers and give the world more of a "ever changing" feel