Feedback talk:User/Frakeer/Quest givers

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Excellent suggestion. Full support. Anything that can be done to make the game world and its inhabitants more interactive, reactive, and responsive to the events that are happening around them makes the game feel all that much more dynamic and "real". ArenaNet may have dispensed with the wall-o-text dialogs from static quests givers of previous MMORPGs. But replacing it with an NPC who stands - static - in one location to hand out a reward or steer you towards the next portion of a dynamic event chain isn't really all that dynamic. The players may have changed, but the paradigm appears to be remaining the same.

Please, ArenaNet, make the world live and breathe. Interaction, interaction, interaction. Not just between the real players, but between the players and the world, the players and the NPCs in that world, the NPCs and the world, and even the NPCs and the NPCs. A useful mental tool to aid in achieving this is to envision a game world in which there is interaction between all of these elements even in the abscence of real players. An NPC shouldn't just stand in one spot - immobile - and act, react, move, or speak only when interacting with a real player. Instead, the game world should have a life of its own. Players should feel as if they have stepped into a world which does not rely on their participation or actions for it itself to act. Guild Wars 3 perhaps 01:13, 8 May 2012 (UTC)