Feedback:User/Knighthonor/TALENT TREEs & SKILL TREEs

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I would like to suggest a Talent Tree aka Skill tree to system to be added to Classes. This adds more customization options to the game.

The former Attributes system seemed to be in place to represent stats as in traditional MMORPGs, since the game didn’t have stats and gear was Class specific. I don’t feel that was a good representation of a Talent/Skill Tree, although it did good representing a Stat system.

Well since Guild Wars 2 will have stats now like a traditional MMORPG, I would like it if Classes also gained Skill/Talent Trees like a traditional MMORPG.


Skill Trees would work in a similar fashion wise to the previous Attribute system, but with the added change of Skill/Talent Trees there instead.

Suggestion Examples:[edit]

(using some Classes from GW1 for Example, which could be different in GW2, and some of my own Class suggestions)


Talent Trees-

Tactics/Rage/Arms Mastery

Tactics – Deals with Tanking and Defense, and Buffing (Support Tree)

Rage – deals with channel their adrenalin, in a Berserker style gameplay, which deals with dual wielding weapon style gameplay.

Arms Mastery – deals with mastering Great Weapons such as 2hander weapons. Warriors who specialize in Arms Mastery will be proficient at using a two handed weapon for offense, without losing their ability to survive.


Talent Trees -

Beast Mastery/ Marksmanship/ Wilderness Survival

Beast Mastery – deals with control of Animal Pets companions.

Marksmanship – deals fight ranged attacks.

Wilderness Survival- Wilderness Survival improves defensive Melee Attacks and Traps, as well as some nature rituals for natural remedies that can slightly heal themselves and their allies. Also improves connection with the Spirits of Nature.


Talent Trees –

Reckoning/ Sanctuary/ Juggernaut

Reckoning – deals with the offensive melee capabilities of the Paladin/Knight.

Sanctuary – deals with the offensive caster damage dealing spells, buffing, and slight healing effects of the Paladin/knight.

Juggernaut - tree focuses on the Paladin/Knight tanking capabilities.


Talent Trees-

Shadow Arts/ Deadly Arts/ Assassination

Shadow Arts- deals with Stealthing and Defense.

Deadly Arts – deals with Ambushing and Melee Defense.

Assassination- deals with critical melee damage, and Poisons for the Assassin.

Skill Point Gain:[edit]

Skill/Talent point gain can come from leveling, in a similar way to the current skill point system. But with some fixed cap to level cap, to prevent players from gaining all Talents skills.