Feedback talk:User/Knighthonor/TALENT TREEs & SKILL TREEs

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I dont fully understand what you have said,but I think you are talking about new skill acquiring system,right???Or I could be wrong :)

If you are talking about new skill gaining system I am all for that because having actual skill tree incorporated from very beginning which is only waiting for you to unlock it is better than having skill trainer who would teach you various skills like it is now. Bonsai 11:20, 15 February 2010 (UTC)

Utter waste of resources, this isn't a WoW clone; how about some innovation? 01:57, 16 February 2010 (UTC)

I agree with IP. This is not WoW. Don't try to make it look like "traditional" mmorpgs, because we play GW1 exactly because it's different. User MadSkillz1o1 sig2.PNG MadSkillz1o1 11:57, 17 February 2010 (UTC)
   Anet already stated they want to make GW2 into a more traditional MMORPG. Why else do you think they added Persistant world, and Crafting jobs, and Weapon Restrictions on Class, and cross class wearing gear, and stats, and lvl effects on PvP and PvE

All of which are elements of Tradional MMORPG. Why add that stuff if GW2 was going to NOT be a traditional MMO? Anet Said it themself, so take it up with them--Knighthonor 15:18, 6 March 2010 (UTC)

I agree with the ip too, guild wars is supposed to be different from the traditional mmorpgs. Not only that but a major part of guild wars is skill over grind, I don't want to have to level forever just to get a single skill for my build.--Crazy guy 11:56, 10 April 2010 (UTC)

Im in agreement with IP and Crazy guy. I think the skill tree system works for games like Diablo 2, and Dragon Age: Origins, but i like being able to buy the skills i need to rather than have to put a point into a particular skill as a pre-requisite. Or having to be a cerain level to get a skill. Even if they have said they want to move towards more traditional MMORPG's (which im not convinced they have, show me a link and ill buy it) a talent/skill tree forces a grind style play which i KNOW they have specifically tried to avoid. --Jimmer123 17:46, 9 June 2010 (UTC)

Totally agree with Crazy Guy WoW: grind alot and no skill required, just a little knowledge in what order to activate your skills xD GW: first of all making a good balaced build Players are more or less equal when it comes to equipment and all.. so its about skill not money to buy an uber staff However I don't get your idea exactly but i get the generel idea