Feedback:User/Nom/Template management

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Three things annoy me with the GW1 template management, that should be easy to improve in GW2:

Filter by profession[edit]

This is done when loading, in that the templates for the target character's primary profession are placed at the top of the list. But why not go the next step and create 10 (GW1) / 8 (GW2) sub-lists, one for each profession, each with an independent namespace? Eg, there might be a little row of boxes across the top of the load / manage screens that says "View templates for ... elementalist / warrior / ..."

View or Extract templates for any class[edit]

Currently, I haven't found a way to extract templates for any class other than the current class (or hero), nor is it easy to view template details for templates you're not eligible to load. You can view the skill bar in manage templates, but you can't then read off each skill. There's no particular reason why a 'manage templates' view shouldn't allow a player to select, view, and extract template code for any class's template.

Equipment templates include weapon slots[edit]

The equipment templates seem to assume that you only want to save your currently equipped weapon. This seems somewhat naive. Equipment templates should save / restore PvP equipment from all weapon slots, as well as that equipped by the character. As a safety measure, equipment templates should probably be prevented from loading over non-PvP equipment, instead requiring the user to manually remove / de-equip it first.