Feedback:User/Talamare/Bull's Charge

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This is a fairly unused elite and easily replaced by bulls strike...

5 Energy15 Recharge time Elite Stance. For 0...6...8 seconds, you move 33% faster and the next time you melee a foe who is not using a skill, that foe is knocked down and Bull's Charge ends.

I figure you would be moving so fast and with so much force that the moment you hit someone you knock them down, but then you lose your stance

v2 5 Energy12 Recharge time Elite Stance. For 0...6...8 seconds, you move 25% faster and the next time you melee a moving foe, that foe is knocked down and Bull's Charge ends.

v3 5 Energy20 Recharge time Elite Stance. For 0...16...20 seconds, you move 25% faster and the next time you melee a moving foe, that foe is knocked down, You gain 0...3...4 Adrenaline and Bull's Charge ends.

v4 5 Energy15 Recharge time Elite Stance. For 0...16...20 seconds, you move 25% faster and the next time you melee a moving foe, that foe is knocked down, You gain 2 Adrenaline and Bull's Charge ends.