Feedback:User/Tashiro/Combat Animation

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In a number of MMOs, I've seen scenes where the character stands in the middle of combat, and gets hit time and again, shrugging off multiple 'killing blows', and hacking away at the enemy unperturbed except for a few 'ow' sounds. While I understand the need for 'Health' and for a character to take multiple injuries to make an MMO playable, it really kills suspension of disbelief (and drama) to see every character be effectively a walking tank. (An upcoming MMO set long ago looks really bad for this)

What I'd like to see is 'misses'. Not that the attack actually misses and the character isn't hurt, but the idea of the character parrying, blocking, or dodging attacks that 'hit', and losing health as this progresses. The lower the person's health the closer these attacks appear to being solid hits. When the character's Health is critical, the attacks start nicking and scratching the character, and at 0 Health the blow is solid and obvious.

For example -- a character facing a group of archers may have arrows whipping past, so very close to him. These are 'hits', but don't appear as so in the graphics. His health is dropping from these, but the animation shows a bunch of close calls. As he stands in the archery fire, these attacks are getting closer and closer (the enemy are getting an idea of where to aim) and his shield is catching a few, and his health is dropping more and more. When he's down to his last bit, he's taking a shot in the arm, or the leg, and finally an arrow imbeds in his chest, killing him.

I think this would really make the game more dramatic, and more epic in feel. Characters won't stand there slamming blades into each other -- all blows which would kill a normal person, for a minute or two, before one suddenly keels over. The combats would look dynamic, with parries, deflections, dodges, the 'tink' of steel on steel until you get that one, good, killing shot in. It would also make awesome video-capture to show others.