Feedback:User/Vipar/Spirit Companions

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So I just got this idea, which is short and simple. Instead of having normal companions of this world, you get spirit companions. Now, this could make sense, seeing as Rangers can already do rituals of nature. Basically you go out to find your companion as you normally would. However the only difference is that you catch it's spirit rather than the physical animal. It will make keeping multiple companions make more sense seeing as you call down the spirits of your companions, and not have to get the actual companion out. They will function as any normal companion would for a ranger, and won't expire unless they die or otherwise are despawned of course. I don't know how the current system in Guild Wars 2 work concerning the amount of pets you can hold at any time, but this limit would still be in place!

This could also open up for artistic iterations of an animals spirit, as well as maybe a bit of customization? A spirit would obviously have a spectral look to it, so it would glow, as if it was otherworldly. I think it would be a nice touch to the game!

Please let me hear some opinions on this idea! :D

NOTE: If this is posted in the wrong place, please move it, as I was a bit in doubt where to put it :x