Feedback:User/Volfen/Hard Mode Servers

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Hard Mode Servers

Hard Mode Servers would be alternative to common leveling servers. To access a Hard Mode Server, a client would be required to 'Buy' from the in-game-store a Hard Mode Character Slot. This is a fee for access to format that unlocks several aspects of the game. The justification for this HM fee: The HM format bypasses levels, giving access to a max level character (with no traits); the price of the actual fee is established as means to balance return on investment, and a 'commitment' by client, that they are entering into a much more difficult format.

This format would hold true to the singular and unique tradition of GW1: Skill > Time. It also holds to true to one of the greatest features of GW1 - Hard Mode.

It also provides a continuous revenue source; a revenue stream that will likely dwarf the common servers. Once a client invests time in the HM server, it is highly likely they will continue to buy these character slots, to build upon their current social and game experience. Add to this Professional Cloning per Avatar (see other suggestion) and you have potential for continued and limitless revenue. Though all game gear and reward is balanced to endgame, the variations in quality and attributes of gear will still require transmutation 'convenience' fees. Many players would buy these HM slots initially upon purchasing the game, providing up-front revenue.

Players on normal servers would also be allowed transfer to these HM servers for a fee. Once at max level, transfer is free. To transfer from a HM server resets all gear values to default NM servers, and the characters level to their current exp value.