Feedback:User/Weindrasi/Guild Wars 2 Female Body Types: Promoting Anorexia

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We've all probably heard the arguments that the media should promote a variety of healthy female body types, as opposed to anorexic or uncommonly thin models. Concerns have been growing, because young women are getting eating disorders at younger and younger ages, and that the majority of women in the United States are discontent with their bodies. Guild Wars 2 comes into this, because from what we've seen so far, you at Arenanet are making no efforts with the female body types to promote health. Rather, you are continuing the typical media message that if females aren't "below a size 4", they're too big. Since this message is so widespread in society, even most healthy-weight women feel isolated. Even the heaviest option you offer us is tiny. As for the smallest options, they really do seem to promote anorexic thinness. I am very troubled by this. As a young woman who suffers an eating disorder, it hurts to be constantly bombarded and isolated by a thin ideal I can never reach. Even at my thinnest, when I suffered massive health problems because of restricting food and over-exercising, I appeared heavier then the heaviest human female option you offer in the game. My body, and the bodies of most women, are simply not built to be so tiny. This link shows a variety of healthy athletes, both male and female. As you can see, there is much diversity. I wish you would offer more of this diversity in your game. You say Guild Wars 2 is about changing the face of MMO's, and all the things that are problematic about them. Well, impossibly thin women in video games and their harmful effects are one of those problems. Please fix it.