Feedback:User/Yoshida Keiji/Jade Quarry - Mission Entry & Rewards System
Jade Quarry - Mission Entry & Rewards System![]() | |
User | Yoshida Keiji |
Categories | Mechanics → Game features |
Since I have already maximized my Kurzick title, now I am currently fighting at the Luxon side. Entry is faster. Although chances of winning are 1 every 25 battles to me.
The present time situation I am witnessing lately is the late wave of beginner players in the Guild Wars world. I see lot of players chasing others and doing little or nothing to "Win" the battle. So I come to think two things:
A- They dont know what they are supposed to do.
B- They dont want to do what they are supposed to do.
I am getting the feeling that Jade Quarry has just become an arena to try ideas instead of a Competitive Mission, more likely to Isle of the Nameless or Scrimmage at GH than team work with rewards.
If the case is "A", the Missions Objectives:
- Be the first team to score 10 points, or score more points than your opponent before 15 minutes have elapsed.
- Claim quarries to begin collecting jade.
- Protect your team´s jade carriers.
Appear on screen when timer has started. This means, the fight is already on.
To be honest, I never read it before, since before entering my very first battle, I used Guild Wars Wiki to know beforehand what I had to do.
So In order to read it I had to enter a battle, screenshot it and then read it once the battle ended.
So its like the message "comes out" too late for players who are coming to Jade Quarry for their first times...
My suggestion is to ArenaNet do the same as Cooperative Missions to "Enter Battle", press twice.
So when a player pushes "Enter Battle" for the first time...This is when the "Mission Objective" should appear in a new window...where the second "Enter Battle" buttom should be clicked in order to start playing and make sure the message is still displayed while waiting at queue...until they are taken into the battlefield.
If you think about this, the "Mission Objectives" are not exposed to the player during the wait period inside Jade Quarry where we have to choose which quarry to head first.
So then I asked myself... how are they ever going to be awared of what to do. Better if ArenaNet forces players to read the "Mission Objective" since most gamers are lazy to read the dialogue Erek offers when you click on him... (THAT IS) if people get to find him standing right there first.
Now... if the case is "B".
Then maybe ArenaNet could fix rewards in a way that the accomplishment of the objectives give more Rewards to those that follow the objectives rather the ones who are just "testing stuff".
A few examples:
- XP points and Balthazar faction points for "Time" of quarry control... say 10 XP + 10 BF per second capped.
- XP points and Balthazar faction Penalties (loss) if "carrier" killed.
I am coming with this thoughts because since more and more and more times passes... Im getting the impression that people are doing whatever they want but what they actually have to do...
{Yoshida Keiji 10:45, 13 October 2009 (UTC)}
P.S.: This is my first post so Im not sure If I did al right, hope yes.