Feedback talk:User/Ace54/2-3 Leaders of a Guild

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Another Option[edit]

Hey I was just thinking: I would be satisfied if they even implemented a system where there was a "Guild Leader", "Guild Co-Leaders" (5 max), "Guild Officers" (30 max), and "Guild Members" (preferably unlimited). The Guild Co-Leaders would have the same priviliges/functions as the Guild Leader, except the only thing the Guild Leader could do that the Guild Co-Leaders could not is claim that he or she founded the guild. Ofcourse, Guild Leaders could opt to bypass appointing Co-Leaders if he or she chose to do so, but this system encourages a friendly community - one of the major aspirations of this game. The Officers would have limits that the Guild Leader and Co-Leaders would vote upon giving them every time a change to limits was desired. Officers would have substantially less power than the Guild Leader and Co-Leaders but sufficiently more than the Members. Once again, I do not know if the system is implemented or in the process of being implemented, but I, and I'm sure many others, would appreciate the implementation of the system.

Thanks again for your time,

Ace54 02:25, 22 February 2012 (UTC)

I hope I am doing this right and not overwriting anything on you >< (haven't replied much to suggestions before).. Having created a Guild in all 3 BWEs and messed around with the ranking system I can say that this suggestion is pretty much in place already. It takes one person to create the guild in the game and they can then create as many ranks as they wish. I presonally created a seperate Leaders rank with almost full control of the guild (except editing guild cape, cos I am setting that based on GW1 for continuations sake) and anyone officers from GW1 were promoted to that rank, with my own rank being coordinator. So Guilds that are large and like to have different threads of leadership can have that. It's just up to the guild creator to make it that way. I personally think this is easier than say EQII were you HAVE to have x amount of players set up the guild together. You can create the guild, set the ranks and invite your friends into the positions of leader as they come online.