Feedback talk:User/Bold Baby Undies/Blocking and More

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Well, technically then all blade weapons would have a deflect for melee weapons, because that's exactly what you do when you Parry. The current use for the word Block just means that indeed the attack that just hit you was blocked from dealing damage. Complicating it with a function that is just verbally different is not helping the game.--Neithan DiniemUser Talk:Neithan Diniem 05:50, 29 May 2010 (UTC)

Originally block was split into block and evade, and it wasn't really a useful distinction. It just made some skills worse. User Felix Omni Signature.pngelix Omni 06:02, 29 May 2010 (UTC)
Block triggered skills that effected when they were blocked, such as causing bleeding. Evade meant you simply dodged the attack all together, and it has been remade into the "Dodge" feature you see when projectiles fail to hit their target.--Neithan DiniemUser Talk:Neithan Diniem 07:43, 29 May 2010 (UTC)