Feedback talk:User/Borotvaltgandalf/War in Kryta: Overall rebalance

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I bought all the guild wars games so I could brush up before GW2, but it's mission chains like this that make me severely question whether ArenaNET has even the foggiest idea of how to make enjoyable PvE.

1.) Most of the quests don't work right 2.) Tediously long quests where you have to kill hundreds of things. I read a lot of fantasy. I can't, off the top of my head, think of books where the main character starts at one point, and basically commits genocide over and over again as they slowly slog their way through a fleshy-mountain of enemies. I'm pretty sure that all life would be dead after I complained the campaigns, because the piles of bodies would have sullied all the water

I'm OK with the bounties and such, they seem fine to me, if a bit low in reward compared to what you can get by just farming or escorting, but the covert operations are terrible. I can only assume someone though to make them tediously long so as to extend things out. I'd have rathered they put in explicit timing limits if that's the deal, and less implicit ones (where it takes 2 hours to do a mission because you have to kill 400 monsters to get through it). Tedium is not difficulty, it's frustration.


Riverside Assassination: Actually probably the least terrible. Suffers from having to kill too many things, but at least you have some options, and the path isn't "draw a line between all the available spawns to make sure the player has to kill everything in the zone to progress" like most of the rest of them.

A Little Help from Above: This one is a veritable showcase of terrible ideas. First, you have to kill just about every monster in the zone. If that wasn't enough, there's spawning ambushes to increase that number past an already too-high number. You could divide the monsters in this mission by 10, and it will still be too much. Prophecies was annoying due to the length, why would you take one of the larger prophecies missions and then ADD more and tougher monsters to it? Baffling.

Temple of the Intolerable: OP mentions this. There doesn't seem to be a rational system to the patrols/support spawns on the main guy. Also, more teleporting men. Why do we feel people can suddenly teleport in? Why wouldn't the mursaat teleport out if they're suddenly able to pop around at will? It makes no sense.

Mustering A Response: Aka, "Mustering a hope that the NPC pathing and AI doesn't roll a 1 again". You have to escort a pile of NPCs around a fixed path. They don't follow you, they don't listen to directions, and they love to just stop or get stuck on each other, or whatever. They changed the opening/entry quests to EoTN to respawn the necessary NPCs, because the purpose of the quest was to provide gravitas, not just be a tedious throwing of darts at the Pathing dartboard hoping for a bullseye.

I'm sorry, but I have a base rule on PvE. If the developer can't sit down with a group and completely every mission with a single try, then they should be fired. There's far too much in these missions that's based purely on luck. Luck on the AI, luck on the randomizer. Luck that the game actually spawns the creatures you need, at the right place, and doesn't spawn chests and stuff in the way. I'm sure a lot of that has to do with poor testing.. probably because the missions are so long and tedious it's difficult to test them with a share of various configurations on the party.

--Projectmercy 21:50, 11 July 2012 (UTC)

Decent suggestion[edit]

For help from above I agree:

  1. A teleporter from the west city to Loamhurst is a great idea - removes the need to bother with additional spawns.
  2. Remove a lot of the genocide mobs at the end - k but they were the easiest bit of the area.

However I think the other two quests are more a question of technique:

  • I don't see what was so bad with Lovisa, you can pull her out easily enough.
  • Although temple of the intolerable is screwy for lore, you can rush it in about 6 minutes by eventually flagging your team behind the nec boss, using panic on the stuff that spawns and spiritway the guy to death.. they could decrease the frequency of the stupid patrol groups up to the top of the temple though.

--File:User Chieftain Alex Chieftain Signature.jpg Chieftain Alex 00:15, 12 July 2012 (UTC)