Feedback talk:User/Dantana/World Switching and World Guests

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I don't know a whole lot about how PvP and GvG and WvW are going to work, but my understanding about "worlds" is there basically like the districs we hae in GW, but cover teh ENTIRE map instead of just one town.--Will Greyhawk 02:17, 15 May 2011 (UTC)

Not quite. Worlds are GW2's equivalent of other games' servers or shards. In these, upon creation of a character, you are presented with a list of servers; you pick one, you're bound to one. In GW1 terminology, a World would be a district that encompasses all areas and maps of the game, shared with all other players in that World. Switch - and here's the pinch - and you get a wholly different set of players and, due to Dynamic Event Chains and the tides of WvWvW, a different state of the game environments. - Dantana User_talk:Dantana 11:40, 15 May 2011 (UTC)
'Bonuses' is such a silly word. - Dantana User_talk:Dantana 12:30, 15 May 2011 (UTC)

With regard to World switching, I agree that it would be beneficial to have some kind of concept of 'home world'. I would recommend setting that 'home world' to the current world a player is in, at the start of each new WvWvW week. Players are allowed to switch freely between worlds and compete in pve and competitive pvp without any restrictions, but until the end of that week they are only allowed to participate in WvWvW in their 'home world'. When a new week starts, the 'home world' is set to the world they are in at that time, so players who have switched worlds, will then be able to play WvWvW in that world. That should take care of the biggest problem with world switching, right? Or is this too simple and did I overlook something? Cheiron 12:49, 16 May 2011 (UTC)

That certainly is a good idea. I hadn't thought about the restrictions of switching Home Worlds yet, I think I'll add your idea to the suggestion page when I've got the time. This, combined with the framework of being able to migrate to other Worlds as World Guests, is already a solid foundation, I guess. But let's think further: would players not be able to switch any time after the beginning of the new WvWvW week? Think of players (accidentally) logging out while on a non-native World, they would not be able to play WvWvW with their friends on their previous Home World for a week! Could players change each and every week or just a few times per month? Are there any penalties connected to switching? We need to sort that out. And the problem of players whose Home World is successful in WvWvW receiving certain bonuses for doing so well (at least that's the latest I heard/read from ArenaNet; see Addenda 1 and 2 to the suggestion page) is not solved quite satisfactory yet either: how to deal with granting these bonuses to World Guests, who could just leech the benefits of victorious Worlds for general play, causing grave imbalances in World population? - Dantana User_talk:Dantana 20:13, 16 May 2011 (UTC)
I'm really, really sure that Worlds will work like the districts. we're supposed to be able to switch whenever.--Will Greyhawk 22:05, 16 May 2011 (UTC)
Greyhawk, I think you're partly right, in that 'worlds' servers will replace the concept of districts as we have it in GW1, and there will surely be multiple servers per region. But that's where the similarities end. Dantana explained it very well... in GW1, each town is split into multiple districts, all in the same state (just with different players), and often the game will put you automatically into one district depending on capacity. In GW2, a 'world' encompasses all towns, all areas of the game and all dynamic content, so switching worlds not only puts you in a world with different people, but also in a completely different state of the game. And the game will never automatically put you in another world depending on capacity... switching worlds is always your own conscious choice. Now, with regard to the switching, yes, I do believe players should be able to switch anytime they want (and as often as they want). From what I understand, restricting that wouldn't make sense for PvE or other PvP types... it would only mean you may not be able to play with your friends or guild mates. Restrictions and penalties would only make sense for WvW, so they should only apply in WvW. Ofcourse it's possible to implement a system of penalties on stats, skills or whatever, but imho only being able to play WvW on your 'home' world and not receiving a possible world bonus on guest worlds (see below) for the remainder of the week, should already be penalty enough. So the only restriction would be that players can only play WvW on the server they started the WvW week in. Yes, that would indeed mean that someone who switched to another world and logged out, would only be able to play WvW on that world during that week. As for the victory bonuses... good point. Imho persons marked as 'World Guests' also shouldn't receive the bonuses from a victory. To elaborate: if you're marked 'World Guest' at the time the world wins (and you stay on that world, so you won't be a guest for the upcoming week), you won't receive the bonus. Equally, if you switch to a world that won the previous week, so that you're marked as 'World Guest' there for this week, you also won't receive the bonus. You will only receive the bonus in the world marked as your home, if you were a non-guest in that world at the time it won. In short: people who don't play WvW can switch whenever they want, and won't have to worry about penalties, people who do play WvW will have to always pay attention to which world they are in at the start of the WvW week. Cheiron 06:55, 17 May 2011 (UTC)